Blitzing Out

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Blitz sighed as another beep on his comm alerted him to a potential important message. He leaned back in his chair with a vent before pushing himself to the other desk, which his monitor was positioned on and clicked open the message. "Blitz, I'm bringing you Energon, you better not be on a call when I get there." Blitz raised his optic ridges with a huff but allowed a small smile to grace his features. He massaged out a growing processor ache before standing to his full height, stretching out his back struts with a satisfying click. "Hey, Beautiful!" Blitz recycled his optics with a frown, glancing to his now open office door, "You're lucky I let you call me that." The half white, half pink large mech waltzed confidently into Blitz's office with a graceful shrug, "You know you love it." Blitz shook his helm with a small smile, motioning to his full tables with a wry chuckle, "You'll have to shove in that mess somewhere." The mech glanced at the over flowing tables with a thoughtful look, pressing a button on his forearm to make a movable force field, making neat piles out of the stacks of data-pads, before placing the Energon cup on the table with a nod. He turned fully to face his companion, "You should really get a force mover, Blitz, Primus knows you need it more than me." Blitz nodded slowly at the mech's words before stilling as a small ring went off, a light flashing on the pink and white mech's forearm. The mech rolled his optics before opening the notification, enlarging the holo-screen to show a frazzled looking femme glaring at them, "Catalyst! Did you get my message? I sent it to you a while ago!" Catalyst glanced to Blitz with a roll of his optics, mimicking the femme's words to make the Chief Medical Officer laugh, "Yes CeeCee, did you see my reply?" The femme frowned even deeper before she sent Catalyst a look of exasperation, her tone apologetic, "Ugh, sorry Cat, carrying processor again....I'm going to do my rounds before I have Flor take over, is that okay?" Catalyst waved off the femme with a large smile, "Of course CeeCee! Flor is on the ground level when your done. You can call her up now if you'd like but just have Swiftrunner switch with Max! Are you sure you don't want to go on Carrying Leave, Cee? I don't want you working yourself harder than you can handle." CeeCee shook her helm with a roll of her optics, "No, no I'm fine Catalyst...I should have known the sparkling unit's carrying curse would catch up to me eventually." Catalyst barked a deep laugh at her venomous tone, "Alright, well take care Cee, I'll see you next week. Call if you need anything, I mean it CeeCee." CeeCee rolled her optics but she was smiling at his offer, "Okay, okay...stop smothering me Catalyst and go take care of your fiance." The holo-screen blinked out with a beep and the white and pink mech vented, turning to Blitz with a soft smile, "That femme is going to be the death of me." Blitz chuckled, leaning forward on the tips of his pedes to place a butterfly peck to Catalyst's mouth guard, moving out of his reach to open his monitor and pointed out plainly, "You wouldn't want anyone else on your floor." Catalyst vented, coming up behind Blitz to wrap his arms around the other's abdominal plating, burying his helm into the other's neck cables, "You're not wrong, Beautiful." Blitz wiggled in his hold briefly, giving up with a vent when Catalyst didn't budge, "Cat, I've got stuff to do." Catalyst hummed against his throat, "No you don't." Blitz huffed, fluffing his plating to put more distance between him and other mech, effectively slipping out of his grasp with a smirk, "You've got a lot of work to do too and I think the sparkling's will miss you if you stay up here too long." Catalyst rubbed at the back of his helm but Blitz's firm tone didn't deter him from snatching up the shorter mech and carrying him to Blitz's office chair, squishing the two of them into the comfortable furniture. Blitz huffed, trying to escape from his fiance's grasp but Catalyst curled more around him, his engine purring as he laughed, "Blitz, babe, just let me love on ya for a second." Blitz vented before moving into a more comfortable position in the bear-like mech's hold, snuggling his helm into Catalyst's chest plating. Catalyst's frame was programmed with softer plating, higher heat functions, and a fainter field; which helped him work with sparkling's and Carriers of all backgrounds also made the mech more irresistible. Catalyst rubbed at his helm in soothing circles, his engine rumbling in a comforting manner as Blitz listened to Catalyst's steady spark beat. Blitz allowed his optics to close briefly but they stilted open at the sound of Catalyst's voice, right next to his audio fin, "You gotta take more breaks Blitz, maybe come and visit me down on the floor? You can see all the little sparklings...your favorite!" Blitz grumbled, burying his helm deeper into Catalyst's chest plating, "You know how I feel about those little scraplets." Catalyst gasped, his tone offended, "Scraplets!? Are we talking about the same sweet sparklings in my section? I prefer to work with them over your grumpy patients." Blitz raised his helm to glare up at the larger mech, "Only some of them are grumpy." Catalyst chuckled, the sound echoing through the tranquil room, "And only some of my sparklings are little slaggers, okay? Look, I've got one in Quarter 2 that's got these cute blue optics, you'd like her...she's the sweetest little femme." Catalyst rubbed at his audio fins absently minded, "Oh! And there's one in the new spark section right now, the smallest little mech I've ever seen...he looks so small in my servos Blitz...he only emerged about a cycle ago." Blitz hummed, listening fondly as his fiance continued, "I also had this mech today whose got some cute audio fins...not as cute as yours, but they're a start." Blitz glared up at Catalyst, who returned it with a smirk, "What? You look so cute with your audio fins." Blitz could feel his audio fins flicker, but seeing as he had limited control of the pieces, he could only huff at the other mech when he maneuvered them. Blitz swatted away Catalyst's servos, "Hey, those are sensitive Cat, watch your servos." Catalyst chuckled, pinching the fin before Blitz could lift his helm away, laughing at Blitz's outraged huff, "Catalyst!" The pink and white mech wrapped his arms around the mech's middle quickly, pulling him closer to his frame when he threatened to stand up, pressing a quick kiss to the same fin as an apology, "Alright, alright sorry Blitz, feel better?" Blitz muttered something under his breath, rubbing at both his audio fins before replying, "No." Catalyst measured a look to the mech in his lap and questioned, "No? Huh, I think I can fix that." Blitz stopped soothing his audio fins with a curious look, "You can? What are going to do next-" Catalyst cut him by kissing the mech's derma before pulling back, a triumphant smile on his own face plates, "Does that answer your question." Blitz flushed slightly, burying his face plates into his servos with a groan, "Cat..." Catalyst hummed, leaning back into the chair as he glanced down at his fiance, "Yes, the very beautiful love of my spark?" Blitz dropped his servos, placing them on Catalyst's waist to distract the mech, "I think you have that're the very beautiful love of my spark Cat." Catalyst raised his optic ridges, his optics jumping between Blitz's servos and his optics with a smile, "Awww, I'm glad you think so." Blitz leaned forward to kiss the smile off his fiance's face plates, "Now stop hiding up here and let me get back to work." Catalyst pouted, showing Blitz his best puppy-dog eyes, "But Beauty we've got a goon before we've got to do rounds again." Blitz rolled his optics, sliding off of Catalyst's lap and straightening to his full height with a look in the mech's direction, "Cat." Catalyst groaned, slumping in the chair, covering his optics with a servo to add to his dramatics, "Blitz." The Chief Medical Officer glanced to his forearm with a vent, "Did you have Energon Cat?" Catalyst briefly lifted his optics to watch the other mech drown down the cup he'd brought him, "I did, come on Blitz! Nothing else is holding us up and you know it." Blitz sighed, his processor wavering before he sent the mech an unimpressed look, "Fine, but don't think-" Catalyst cut off the smaller mech by cheering, "Yes!" Blitz chuckled, moving back to the pink and white mech and placing another kiss on his mouth guard, ducking away when Catalyst turned his helm to try and capture his derma. Catalyst shook his helm with a smile, "You tease." Blitz raised his optic ridges with a snort, "I think that's my line've done nothing but tease me all day." Catalyst gave him an offended look, "It's called flirting Blitz, you should try it some time." Blitz rolled his optics, "I think you can do that for the both of us, besides I prefer my ways." Catalyst sneered, "And what ways are that?" Blitz blinked and pointed out, "Who proposed?" Catalyst glared from where he was seated, making Blitz chuckle, his servos held up in a placating way, "We'll call it a draw then." Catalyst huffed, "Haven't you ever heard off the saying: keep you're sparkmate happy and you're happy?" Blitz blinked, a small smile showing, "Is that like the carrying curse?" Catalyst's engine sputtered as he rolled his optics, "That is just an excuse for everyone on my floor to get sparked up." Blitz titled his helm with a thoughtful look, "Everyone?" Catalyst deflated slightly at his tone and he warned playfully, "Don't even think about it Blitz, I am not getting sparked up." Blitz shrugged, glancing to his monitor, "That is up to you Cat." Catalyst crossed his arms across his chassis, "And I'm saying I don't want a sparkling running around our hab...even though we'd have the cutest sparklings, but that's besides the point, I already have my servos full here." Blitz raised his optics ridges at the mech, placing his servos on his hips and agreed, "You do Cat, you're a very important mech and I'd bet the sparklings would miss you." Catalyst nodded firmly, "They would, I don't even want to think about it...ugh carrying is a long process." Blitz recycled his optics with another smile, "You're the expert Catalyst." The mech nodded again but then he stilled, looking up at Blitz with a curious expression, "Wait, you're okay with us having a sparkling? You said it was up to me...?" Blitz hummed, picking at one of his servo seams, "I did say that didn't I?" Catalyst rose from the office chair and launched himself at the other mech, "You mean it!?" Blitz chuckled, his tone softening, "Of course Cat, you're going to be an amazing Carrier some day...there's not doubt about that and well....I can't help it when you talk about sparklings all day long." Catalyst smacked Blitz's helm lightly at the jab, "Hey, it so happens that you're future sparkmate is the head of the Sparkling Department so I don't want to hear it." Blitz chuckled, wrapping Catalyst in a warm hug, "I think I can deal with it when you put it that way." 

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