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Mitsy watched the N.E.S.T Team and accompanying Autobots prepare their supplies, taking note of her own medical equipment. As soon as they landed on Cybertron, the Doctor and Ratchet would set up a temporary medical bay undercover of one of the larger ruins near the battle field. Mitsy paused, glancing up at the sound of footsteps as Rose made her way through the crowd. The CO's body oozed confidence but Mitsy could see unfamiliar emotions swimming in her eyes. She made her rounds, going through various equipment and checking over each solider before she landed right in front of the Doctor. Mitsy motioned to her supplies with a grim nod, "Everything is good to go, I've got extra on standby just in case anything happens." Rose nodded gratefully at her, "Thank you." Mitsy pursed her lips, watching her friend turmoil over something in her mind. She opened her mouth to ask if she was alright but Lennox interrupted her, "Rose we're good in rounds?" Rose nodded in agreement, "Everyone be ready in 10, we'll bridge out in groups with Medical support in the back...Smith you will stay with Ratchet and Misty until they're done setting up and then you will join us, is that understood?" Smith nodded in understanding, turning towards his fellow soldiers to give them all hardy pats on the back and words of encouragement. Rose glanced down at her watch with flint in her eyes. She readjusted the black combat suit she was wearing before sighing heavily, glancing at the Doctor to her right with a wry smile and said softly, "This is it Mitsy." Mitsy stiffened at her friends definite tone, her own tone stern as she fixed one of the straps on the CO's vest, "This is just the start so don't talk like that." Rose hummed, glancing at her waiting soldiers and to the Autobots, who were powering on their weapons with antsy looks. She moved her gaze to her Creators with a small smile, watching their distracted talk before she met Mitsy's gaze again. Rose knew this was her last battle. She knew this from the Matrix and it's soft urging of her future to come. She knew that a timer was ticking down somewhere in the universe, but she wasn't scared...just tired. Mitsy seemed to sense some of her turmoil because she shook her head in a stubborn way and hissed quietly, "No, your coming back alive." Rose only shrugged with another secret smile, "I'll try." Mitsy opened her mouth to protest but the CO stepped away, calling out to the rest of their group, "Form up, fire heavy at the front when we first go through. I want 4 groups including the medical support in back." The soldiers hastened to listen, moving into ragged groups. Mitsy stared at Rose's form as she listed off orders, watching how she never even faltered. Misty knew this was Rose's last battle. If not clear from the way she talked it was there in the way she lingered over every person or the way she looked so calm on the outside. Mitsy piled her equipment next to Ratchet's pede before walking quickly up the line, reaching Rose's party with her heart breaking slightly. Rose glanced at her briefly, her eyes cutting to Ratchet's confused looks from the back of the line, "Mitsy?" The Doctor said nothing, only slinging her arms around her friend and hugging her tightly. Rose was taken aback by the gesture but soon relaxed into it, hugging her back just as fiercely. The two parted after a few minutes and without words Mitsy made her way back to her spot, ignoring the confused words of the soldiers around her. She wasn't going to say good-bye, not yet. Ratchet nudged her with his pede as soon as the ground bridge fired to life, "Are you alright?" Mitsy glanced to Rose's dissipating form, her eyes hardening, "I'm fine." The Medic sent her a nonpussed look but Mitsy ignored him, focusing on getting closer to the ground bridge. 

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