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Hightide watched his human charge with a deep ex-vent, trying his best to hold back his softening nature. Optimus had offered him a position off the coast of Griffen Rock, tasked with training the Rescue Bot Team with water rescue while also learning how to work with a team himself; he didn't expect the blasted mech to send him a human charge too. He sighed deeply at the thought before the brunette knocked him from his musings, "I finished the riggings Hightide...did you want to check them over before we move on?" Hightide inspected the metalwork from his comfortable position at the side of his larger alt-mode, "They look good to me scraplet." The human smiled in confusion at the missing bite in his tone, looking over the riggings again before moving to stand by his side, "You alright Hightide...you haven't exactly been this nice to me in a long time...not that I'm complaining." The large mech glared down at her, his fins flared in agitation, "Nothings wrong ye landlubber...just said ya got the riggings lookin' nice, and now you're up my tailpipe about it." He crossed his arms across his chest and leveled out his EM field with a short hum, uncomfortably aware his charge could feel its unease. The human woman rolled her eyes, suddenly smiling as Servo yipped playfully from the upper deck. She turned her focus away and returned her attention to the bot in front of her with a wry grin, "Just wondering." Hightide muttered under his breath, "Rose, I ain't got time to listen to your scrap...what do ya want...you've been cleaning and helping without a squeak from yer mouth plates all-day." Rose studied his form before turning to look over the blue ocean, "Just trying to help...I know you don't have that many hands around...besides I like the company and the work." Hightide sputtered at her statements, his fins flapping while his mostly dormant EM field flared, trying to reach out to her, "Don't give me ya compliments...I ain't gonna go soft cause of em'." Rose quirked her eyebrows at the sea, still refusing to meet the mech as he tried to collect himself, "You're not used to having people on your ship are you?" Hightide stilled suddenly before he slumped against the side of his alt-mode, his tone hesitant, "Nay...to tell ya the truth blip, I ain't even had to talk to some bot in a long time...or use my EM field for that matter...it's been me and Servo forever." Rose titled her helm before looking at him finally, "I've got someone I want you to meet...back in Nevada...she just washed up from California...another boat mode; I think a yacht...she's in a similar situation Tide." Hightide pursed his lip plating before watching Servo chase a butterfly off the boat, "Does she like mini-cons?" Rose smiled at his soft tone, "Yes...she's even got one herself...a mini-con resembling an earth parrot...kinda like those pirates Cody told you about." Hightide racked his helm for that particular conversation, nodding in understanding when he remembered what a parrot was, "I suppose I could try her out." 

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