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                                                                          Scene "Wash Day" (Take 4):

Rose rolled her eyes, returning back to Optimus's frame, starting on his grill with a sigh, "Sometimes I wonder why I put up with these children." Optimus chuckled pleasantly under her hand, "I find myself wondering the same." *Laughter from the production team in the background* Rose smiled goodnaturedly at the camera, "Too much?"  (One of the producers-off screen), "Nah, we'll work it in."

                                                                  Scene "Memories" (Take 10):

Rose jerked out of sleep, trying to calm her frantic breathing and beating heart. In the process, she tangled herself in the blankets and struggled to get out of bed on cue. Rose tugs at the blankets before giving up, "Shit." (One of the producers-off screen), "Cut, okay let's take a break...reset bedroom scene and we'll film the other scenes instead." Rose rolled her eyes as a scene hand helped her out of the blankets, while laughter from the cast can be heard in the background. Lennox can barely control his laughter, "You literally got the Decepticon fight scene in like five seconds and you can't-can't even do a bedroom scene!" Rose sprung from the bed as soon as her arms were free, "Hey everyone's got their demons, apparently mine are blankets." The cast fell into fits of laughter behind the camera. 

                                                            Scene "Battle Has No Rewards" (Take 3):

Skids wrinkled his nasal plating, his light tone egged on by his brother, "At least we won right?" Rose heard the sound of a chair hitting the deck accompanied by grunts as her soldiers held someone back. Rose tipped her head forward and opened her eyes, disappointed to see her XO struggling against Epps and Smith's steady hands. Lennox surged forward again but the two soldiers weren't ready and the XO ended up falling onto his face with a loud thump. The base was silent as the production team controlled their laughter, letting the scene play out. Rose pursed her lips, turning away as if to view the body of her companion. Lennox picked himself from off the ground, and wiped his clothes before putting the soldier's arms on his shoulders again, "Now this time fucking hold me back." Epps snorted but quickly got his composure, "Yes, sir, wouldn't want you to fall again." The production team let out a couple of laughs and the cast looked their way. Rose was looking anywhere but at the cast behind her and Epps spoke up, "Rose you good?" Rose threw a thumbs up in his direction before bursting out into laughter, "Fucking hell, that was the funniest shit I've ever seen." The rest of the cast and production team joined her.                                                   

                                                              Scene "One Life For Another" (Take 12):

Lennox reached her first, his face lifted in triumphant before it slipped and he froze numbly in the street. His eyes widened in understanding and he fell to his knees at her side, his voice a hoarse whisper, ", no, no...I can', please..." His mutterings dipped into sobs as his frame shook and Rose reached out a comforting hand to tug him into a hug. Lennox gripped her tightly, crying into her shoulder as the rest of the group arrived, staring down at the two in confusion. All of a sudden Rose started laughing, pointing to the group when she couldn't control her amusement. Ironhide was making an attempt at a sad face but was coming off as some sort of a weird grimace. Lennox wiped his face with a glare, "Come on guys, I can't keep crying." Rose shook her head, sticking her tongue out at the soldier, "Well, can someone tell Ironhide to fix his face, please...I think he's having a stroke." Ironhide snorted, trying to fix his face into a more saddened version of his previous expression but it didn't work and the group couldn't help but laugh at the mech. 

 The group sat there for what seemed like hours, watching Rose grow weaker and weaker until finally, she drew her last breath with a smile at the group she loved. Rose tried to hold back but since they already had the scene they needed she planned to spice this extra up. She gasped dramatically before falling silent again. She did it a couple more times before Mitsy hit her over the head and she finally fell still. Lennox covered his face, trying not to laugh but the rest of the cast wasn't any better. Mitsy checked Rose's pulse with a fake sad look, "I've wanted to do that for forever." The group erupted into laughter and Rose opened her eyes back up, glaring at the medic, "What'd I do to you?" Misty shushed Rose, covering her eyes, "Just die already, let me have my peace." The cast couldn't control their laughter, even stern bots such as Optimus and Ultra Magnus were chuckling at the scene. 

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