The Commandant

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Optimus hummed, motioning his hand out to the base, which looked like a hive of busy bees working through shipments, computer codes, and other various tasks, "We've been quite busy these past few days." The man on his right nodded, his hands folded behind his back passively as he watched the soldiers mill around. He smiled as he observed them work together, his eyes crinkling in a kind expression when people passed. Optimus had alerted his team to a new guest but hadn't located Rose yet so he was left touring their guest around. Optimus knew little about the man except he had official papers and a pass from the General to visit today. The Prime studied the man more closely, which prompted him to smile again, "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself quite yet. My name is General Connors."  Optimus shook the hand that was extended his way, his head dipped in greeting, "Optimus Prime." General Connors hummed, his hands folding behind his back again as he surveyed the base, "You have quite an impressive base, Optimus Prime." The Prime hummed in agreement, "We've outfitted it with the newest from higher command." The General nodded with a twitch of his lips in a hint of a smile, "I'm glad they are being put to good use then." Optimus blinked, the man's words rolling around his head but the two were interrupted before he could speak. "Optimus you wanted-Room Atten-tion!" The base immediately snapped to attention, forgoing their work to turn towards their CO's command and freeze. The Autobots looked over the scene in confusion and curiosity. Some of them tried to question their human counterparts but were immediately cut off by Lennox, who made a shooing motion with a deadpan look. Rose promptly heeded her own command, her usually buoyant expression clipped into a neutral look as she maintained her bearing, "Good afternoon, General Connors." The General waved her off with another smile, "At Ease." Rose relaxed into Parade Rest, voicing to her soldiers over her shoulder, "Rest, carry on." The Base snapped back to life, soldiers bustling out of their way to stay towards the further side of the hanger, their eyes flickering to their guest cautiously as they explained what was going on to the Autobots in hushed tones. Rose dipped her head respectfully to the General, "Sir, I apologize for not greeting you earlier, I was unaware you were visiting." The General took in her stiff posture and chuckled, "Rest, Lt. Col Burns. This was a drop-in visit, I was curious to see how N.E.S.T was doing since Megatron was defeated...I apologize for the inconvenience I just realized how unfamiliar I am with your project." Rose relaxed slightly, still wary of being to informal around this particular guest. She sent a look to Optimus before motioning to the base, "I'm sure you have questions then, let me have my XO take you up to my office and I will gather the rest of my staff." The General dipped his head in acknowledgement, "Of course, I haven't seen Major Lennox in a couple years, I think it'll be good for a little chat." He winked at Rose before turning towards the group of soldiers, his gaze searching. Lennox stepped out of the group, greeting the General hesitantly, "Sir, its been a while." The General clapped his hand on the others shoulder merrily, "Major! You will update me while we walk, no?" Lennox smiled slightly before nodding, motioning to the side hanger door, "Of course, sir." The two walked off without preamble, the door closing behind them with a soft click. As soon as they were out of earshot the base erupted into multiple loud conversations. Rose took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose before she rounded on Optimus. She started to pace up and down the small stretch in front of the Autobot leader, Mitsy joining her, followed by Ratchet. Mitsy crossed her arms across her chest, her tone cautious, "That was General Connors....I hate to say it but we're royally fucked." Rose stopped abruptly, her tone mixed, "This is about one of two things. A, he's here to do a Leader's Eval. or B, he's here to just make sure we're doing everything up to scale." Rose groaned and banged her fist into her forehead while Mitsy counseled, "Has anyone said anything about a evaluation, or well, the General of the Army coming to visit us?" Rose grimaced, "Got a phone call about the Leaders Evaluation's being different for N.E.S.T this year, I don't know if this is related but my results have been pending for over a month now." Mitsy stiffened and gaped at her friend, "A month!? What are they even holding you back on?" Rose shrugged, trying to calm her racing heart, "Just says pending due to incoming remarks...I really hope these two things aren't related." Mitsy rubbed at her face but Ratchet butted in before she could respond, his tone curt, "What is a Leaders Eval?" Rose sighed, pulling up her phone to scroll through her emails as she replied, "A blue card that has a bunch of sub points which judge the Chain of Command. If a leader's marks are too low or there's been too many comments, good or bad, their eval. will be pending until someone approves or disapproves their status." Ratchet hummed, "And if you get disapproved?" Rose shifted uncomfortably, "They drop me." Mitsy rolled her eyes, "Except she won't get bad marks or I'll shove a-" "Okay, okay, got it Dr. Death. I don't give two shits what these results say but I know for a fact Lennox's already got his back with nothing but high stars so I think he's going to offer me a promotion or....a change of position." The group fell silent until Mitsy cleared her throat, her tone holding some unknown emotion, "That's big offer like that wouldn't be presented again." Rose narrowed her eyes at Mitsy's warning tone, "You know how I feel about offers like that, Mitsy." Mitsy nodded, her hands up in surrender, "I'm just saying. You've been in this position for a while now, you could easily change your Chain of Command if you wanted too." Rose huffed, "Are you asking me to retire?" Mitsy scrunched up her face as she thought over her words, "Before you bite my head off, listen." Rose's demeanor shifted and she bared her teeth in disgust, "No." Mitsy rolled her eyes, and threw up her hands, "Why do I even bother? You know what? Go ahead, don't listen to me...your oldest fucking friend, but what do I know?" Rose shook out the tension in her shoulders, her tone still cold, "What do you want me to say to that? You know me, yeah. So why do you think I would want to retire?" Mitsy retorted hotly, "Cause it'd be good for you. You'd give command to Lennox and be an advisor....then you could retire ." Optimus cut off their argument before it could escalate, "I don't believe now is the time for this conversation." Rose straightened and Mitsy shot her a look before the group headed toward her office, "This isn't over." Rose rolled her eyes with a dull chuckle, "I excepted nothing less." Optimus fell in between the two woman his EM-Field slightly amused as he watched there banter end. 

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