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Rose squinted through the bright sunlight as the ferry chugged along. Ratchet and Optimus were a little apart from the rest of the group (in holo-forms) Rose had let tag along, which included: the entirety of Optimus's old main team (Acree, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee, Smokescreen) plus Bumblebee's recently appointed team (Drift with his pupils, Sideswipe, Strongarm, and Grimlock) and Miko (who Rose knew would complain if she didn't come). The ferry they had boarded was currently en route to one of the most technologically advanced islands in the world: Griffin Rock. The very same island Rose grew up on and the very same island Rose didn't want to see for the next ten years. She sighed before turning to observe the approaching port. Griffin Rock hadn't changed much since she'd last seen it, though that was such a long time ago Rose was beginning to feel nostalgic. She shook her head to rid herself of the feelings beginning to rise to the surface before turning to watch her teammates mill about. Miko was currently hanging to the side rail and bouncing excitedly around Bulkhead, who seemed to want nothing to do with the water and was sitting down with a nervous look at the ocean. Ultra Magnus was also sitting down, though he seemed less worried about the water and more focused on Wheeljack's enlightened smirk. The rest of the team was walking around the ferry or talking idly as they waited to dock. Rose shook her head again before glancing up at the Captain, who was busy talking to one of the deckhands. She reverted her attention again when she felt a presence near her, slowly turning her head to meet their gaze. A deckhand had approached her side with a bewildered look and rather loudly exclaimed, "If it isn't Elizabeth Burns! I haven't seen you since we were little, how are you!?" Rose internally winced at his words, "I'm good, been away for a while but just coming back to visit family, how have you been...Jacob?" Jacob smiled, small dimples showing on his cheeks, "I've been great...I just got back from a tour of the main island and now I'm back to working on the ferry!" Rose nodded politely, "Sounds like you've had quite a busy week." Jacob nodded before turning toward her group, "You've brought quite a big group with you to visit family... friends of yours?" Rose nodded, "Yes, they haven't been here before so I thought I'd show them around while their here." Jacob pursed his lips with a thoughtful look before waving her off to finish his deck work. Rose sighed and rubbed at her face, while her group all looked on with amused smiles. Ultra Magus tilted his head, "Elizabeth?" Rose snapped her head in his direction with a cool look, "Don't call me that." Ultra Magnus raised an eyebrow, "That deckhand just did." Rose shook her head but remained silent. Ultra Magnus smartly dropped the conversation and instead nagged at Wheeljack to leave the riggings alone. Rose looked out across the sea to assess how far away they were from docking. The ferry was moving at an even pace, and Rose estimated they wouldn't arrive for another couple of minutes even though she was starting to see the docks up ahead.  Eventually, the ferry docked at its port with a small bump and the Captain invited them off his ship and onto Griffin Rock. Rose took the lead and motioned for the rest of the group to follow in her steps. Once accounted for Rose turned to address the group, "According to Optimus, this island knows about Cybertronians so you can lose the holo-forms if you want. If not, then I need you to transform into vehicle mode for the drive over to the Firehouse." As her words died away they were replaced with the sounds of engines revving as the transformers reverted to their vehicle modes. Miko was already tucked safely into Bulkhead's passenger seat so Rose settled herself in Optimus's cab. Once settled, Optimus lead the group toward the Firehouse. The ride was short and everything seemed relatively calm as they approached the Firehouse's doors. At Opimus's command, the doors thudded open and all the Autobots made their way into the low level of the Firehouse, where the Burns Family plus their Recuse Bots partners were waiting. 

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