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Rose snuck a glance at Mitsy, watching the doctor clean up her medical bay from her perch in the doctor's office chair. Rose leaned back into the chair with a hum, scrolling through the listings she'd been previously working on. Mitsy paused, looking her way before moving on to another section with a sigh, her lips pulled into a frown. Rose quirked her eyebrows in her friend's direction with a knowing look, "Just say it before you have an aneurysm." Mitsy clenched her teeth together, glaring at Rose with a glint in her eye, "You almost died you're sitting in front of me as if nothing happened...what were you even doing out there alone!?... Do you understand how serious this is Rose? can't keep doing this to day you're not going to come back." Rose studied the doctor with a pinched expression, she turned the chair so her body was facing Mitsy, her hands clasped together in front of her, "I understand..." Mitsy interrupted before Rose could finish her practiced speech, "Do you? Because from my position, you don' were a doctor understood back then but now I'm not so sure." Rose winced at her harsh tone before starting again, her body language suggesting frustration, "Look...I'm trying Mits...but you're right I used to be a doctor-not anymore. I don't have the option to sit out when we're fighting a's not fair to anyone, you know this...I'm sorry, is that what you wanted to hear?... this doesn't change anything." Mitsy dragged a hand down her face, "I know there's a war...I'm not stupid...but sitting here and watching you tear yourself apart, battle after battle isn't what I's not what the team wants, what Optimus wants...or what Ratchet wants." Rose glanced down at her hands, "What do you expect me to do? I can't just pull back because your afraid I'll die...we all could...are you going to start saying this to the team?...what about to the Autobots huh? We are doing our best to survive...that's what this is to or death-they fight because they have to...they have nothing to lose." Mitsy shook her head angrily, pacing the cleaned clinic, "You're wrong...they have much to do were reckless-what did you expect to happen to you hmm? The Con was just going to lay down his weapons and come nicely?...maybe you're not as smart as I remember." Rose clenched her hands at the jib but her voice remained steady, "I was ambushed...what did you want me to do? Run? I wonder how far I would have got before they shot me down..or-or better yet, captured me." Mitsy rolled her eyes, "You don't get it." Rose sighed, slipping off of the chair, and coming to stand in front of Mitsy, "Then explain it to me." The doctor pursed her lips before clearing her throat, "This fight is different than any other ones you've been in before...this is nothing like the Black Sheep Squad-you've got people who care about you and who would gladly fight at your side if you ask...we have Autobots who are powerful enough to take down the majority of these Decepticons...and we have the team-they are nothing like the old want to understand my anger? Then listen...if you die... then we have nothing to lose because we've already lost everything." Rose blinked, "Why? I'm one soldier...I'm not special-if I die they will continue fighting-the war goes on." Mitsy shook her head again, her voice coming out softer, "You're not just a soldier...not to any of us. How do you think the team-Lennox, will react when he loses his leader...or when Optimus and Ratchet really lose their sparkling...when Miko losses her mom...or when I lose my friend? Yes...the war will still go on but've saved every single person on your team and it is their life's mission to repay you...don't die before they can fulfill that." The doctor patted her shoulder before turning and walking out of the room altogether, leaving Rose alone with her thoughts. Rose placed her hands on her hips and mulled over her friend's words, trying her best to understand everything. She shook her head and followed after the doctor, going to the memorial hall to reflect on their conversation. She slipped through the door and into the quiet hall, surprised to find Sunstreaker looking over all the portraits, his eyes cool. His helm popped up when the sound of Rose's footsteps caught his audio fins and he took a step back, leaving the hall open so Rose could easily pass by him but she didn't. Rose stopped right before the mech and peered at the portraits he was inspecting with a sigh, "What are you doing here?" Sunstreaker flexed his pedes, watching the human, "Looking, that is not banned now, is it?" Rose chuckled before assuring, " I just was curious since no one really comes here anymore." Sunstreaker titled his helm, "Why not?" Rose shrugged, running her hand along one of the lower portraits, "It's not entirely pleasant to be surrounded by dead a lot of them don't like being reminded of our loses." Sunstreaker hummed in understanding before pointing to another section, "You're here." Rose nodded with a fixed look but didn't answer. Sunstreaker peered down at her before sighing, his tone softening slightly, "What's wrong? Ratchet ground you or something?" Rose patted the portrait and then moved down to her own, smiling back at herself, "Am I making a wrong decision somewhere?" Sunstreaker rolled his optics, "Other than existing I don't see your problem." Rose pursed her lips, "Right never mind." Sunstreaker heaved himself onto his pedes, coming forward to inspect her portrait, "If you're referring to your even your team...questionable...but no...I do not understand why you doubt yourself, especially now." Rose glanced at the mech, "As everyone keeps reminding me...I almost died yesterday...I've been lectured more times than I can count and every single person is telling me I'm doing this wrong...I can't help thinking maybe I am." Sunstreaker measured her a look before snorting, "And you confide in me? Why not Optimus?" Rose pursed her lips, "Fair question...but he's in the same boat in a way...we'd all be lost if he died...and if what Mitsy says is true...maybe I just don't want to face the truth." Sunstreaker folded his arms to his chassis, " brother adores you-I don't know why...but if anything were to happen to you I know he'd be crushed...same with a bunch of other bots I know...I think what I'm getting at is you are important to them...and maybe-in some twisted way, we care too much." Rose blinked before smiling, "We? It's nice to hear that you care Sunny." Sunstreaker sneered at the nickname, "It was a temporary lapse in won't happen again." Rose only rolled her eyes affectionately before teasing, "Maybe I should be talking to your brother instead." Sunstreaker rolled his optics, "Refrain...he wouldn't stop bragging to me for cycles." Rose chuckled before her mood sobered, "I meant what I know...I really am sorry about all this...and you're welcome to talk to me whenever." The sullen mech traced the plaque beneath her photo, a ghost of a smile crossing his face plates, "I have considered your proposal...I'll come to you when I need it...thank you...I am also sorry...I realize we might not be as different as I thought we were." Rose glanced at her portrait, a pang hitting her heart, "No...were not so different." The two sat in comfortable silence, reliving drawn-up memories peacefully next to each other. One, a doctor turned solider, reliving the pain she'd experienced in such a short amount of time, especially to her Autobot counterpart whose spark had been twisted just like hers though so long ago. Sunstreaker never forgave M.E.C.H for the pain they'd caused him, nor did he miss the war when it was over but for all their mistakes and issues...humans weren't all bad. 

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