You Have A What?

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Medix huffed as Hotshot continued to gush over Optimus Prime. His fangirling was starting to irritate and distract the young Medic-in-training from organizing and cleaning his Med Bay.  Hotshot finished his sentence with a smile and flopped down on the closet medical berth, watching Medix from his comfy spot. Medix perked up at the silence and glanced over his shoulder to the racer, his optic ridges raised, "Are you done?" Hotshot sent him a crooked grin, his expression turning teasing, "What? Jealous that I'm not talking about you?" Medix snorted and shook his helm with a small smile, "It's not that, I was beginning to think Optimus Prime is all you thought about." Hotshot leaned back on his servos, looking up at the ceiling as he chuckled, "Nope! I've got room in my processor for more than him." Medix nodded dutifully, "Good, I didn't want my standing hypothesis: the one where you don't have a very large processor, to be true, especially in our last year here." Hotshot gasped dramatically and rolled onto his side, glaring at the Medbot, "Hey! If it wasn't for this great processor, you would have never met me." Medix rolled his optics, "Sweetspark, we go to the same Academy." Hotshot paused, his expression sheepish, "Oh." The triple changer suddenly brightened up, his optics twinkling, "Hey you called me sweetspark." Medix paused, organizing his bandages by size, "Do you not like it?" Hotshot shrugged, slipping from the berth to look over Medix's shoulder, watching the Medbot skillfully arrange his work space, "I call you sweetspark." Medix hummed, a small smile on his derma, "What about did look great in that dress from the play." Hotshot flushed slightly before shaking his helm with a glare, "No, no way! I'm not letting you call me Princess, pick something else." Medix's servos went back to working straightening his desk, "What do you want me to call you?" Hotshot blinked dumbly before thinking over his words, wrapping his arms around the Medbot as he hugged himself to him, "I don't know." Medix rolled his optics, putting the last of his supplies away before he turned in Hotshot's embrace, snuggling into his warmth, "How about Handsome?" Hotshot huffed at his words, letting his helm fall on top of Medix's as he let out a deep vent, "That's a lot better than Princess." Medix chuckled, wrapping his arms around the race car's slender waist, "Good I'm glad we could settle on get before I have to ban you from my Med Bay....your distracting me from my work." Hotshot pouted, giving the Medbot his best puppy-dog-optics, "But babe!? I'm not even being that distracting." Medix pulled slightly away from the race car, his optic ridges pulled upward in his signature nonplussed look, "Hotshot." The red and yellow bot humphed and pulled back from their embrace, his EM Field flickering in disappointment at his mechfreind. Medix tutted at the feeling and his resolve softened. He pulled Hotshot in for another hug, placing a quick kiss to the other bot's faceplates before shooing him out, "Okay enough pouting, you know Hoist is going to want to play a game of Cube anyway." Hotshot brightened at his words, "Oh yeah! I'm going to totally kick his aft again." Medix rolled his optics, pulling out his logs as he waved the bot out of his Medbay, "Have fun." Hotshot smiled, turning on his heel and racing out of the Medbay, running straight into Blades as he left. The two collided with a screech and Medix perked up at the sound, giving the two a concerned look but Hotshot was already up and apologizing to their professor. Blades shook him off with a smile, "I'm all good here Hotshot...though maybe you should watch before you start running out like that...imagine if I was Heatwave." Hotshot shuddered at the thought, waving him off as he started down the hallway, "You're right, sorry Professor!" Blades shook his helm in amusement before his optics turned to Medix with a chuckle, "Medix! Do you need any help cleaning up the MedBay?" Medix dutifully shook his head with a small smile, "No Professor Blades...I've got it all handled here." Blades nodded, undeterred as he stepped into the spotless MedBay, "So Hotshot huh?" Medix stiffened slightly, relaxing as soon as he saw Blades teasing smile, "Yes." Blades squealed, "I knew it!" Medix shuttered his optics, recycling them on his Professor, "You knew it?" Blades spun on his heel, landing right in front of the Medbot as he smiled, his optics shimmering, "I told Heatwave that you two were together and he didn't believe me...ugh, shows him." Medix blinked with a ex-vent, "You were betting on whether or not me and Hotshot were together?" Blades tapped his chin plating as he straightened to his full height, "Well....Heatwave said that watching a bunch of romantic movies didn't make me an expert and I said it did....sooooo yes?" Medix rolled his eyes with a chuckle, "Of course you used fiction romantic movies for credentials." Blades rotor blades spun as he pointed out gleefully, "I was right, wasn't I?" Medix hummed, "I suppose there's logic in it." Blades clapped his servos together with a smile, "I'd call it more intuition." Medix pursed his lip plating but held his glossa to keep himself from pointing out his Professor's flawed logic. Blades clasped his servos together and settled himself near Medix's desk, filtering through multiple pings on his HUB before he pulled up something of interest. He fished through the material before sending the document to Medix, his optics twinkling. Medix raised one of his optic ridges in the helicopter's direction before he opened the direct message, "Is this from Golden Prima?" Blades smirked before murmuring excitedly, "Did you read it!?" Medix scanned the document, reading out loud, "On behalf of the Royal Family, The Academy is invited to the ceremonial engagement of Golden Prima and....Drift?" Medix blanched, "What!?" Blades giggled, losing his composure as his younger protegee inspected the letter. Medix frantically pulled up Golden Prima's contact and pressed the call button, his face plates set in confusion; he had no idea his cousin was even seeing anyone. The call rang for a few minutes before it clicked open and Golden Prima was staring back at him, her face plates lighting up at the sight of him, "Medix?" Medix huffed at her innocent response, "Where is he?" Golden Prima blinked in confusion, "Where is who?" Medix shook his head with a mini glare, "Your sparkmate." The Prime's confusion lengthened and she wrinkled her nasal plates, "Sparkmate? I don't have a....oh! Drift?" Medix nodded stiffly. Golden Prima chuckled and motioned somewhere off camera, "He's in the living room if you want to talk to him?" Medix nodded curtly, his tone short, "I want to meet him." Golden Prima arched a single optic ridge but shrugged, "Fair enough, I haven't exactly introduced you two yet." She rose from her office chair and exited the room, turning off her camera and muting herself as soon as she got into the living room. Medix waited impatiently for Golden Prima's soon-to-be sparkmate to come into view. After a few minutes, her mic and camera came back on and Medix could look over Drift frame. The speedster was sporting a mostly white paint job with red highlights and small red markings under his optics; which were blue. The mech gave him a small smile, his optics flirting to Golden Prima before meeting his stony gaze again, "Medix? It is good to meet you." Medix hummed and glared at Golden Prima's form in the corner, "You never mentioned him before." Golden Prima smirked, "Must have slipped my mind...besides you weren't honest about Hotshot." Medix grumbled under his breath, "Touche." Drift watched their interaction in silence, amusement clear on his faceplates. Medix rounded on the samurai as soon as he heard him laughing, "What is amusing? You're not off the hook either. You're conjuxing my cousin." Drift dipped his head respectfully, "Yes, I am aware...after all I was the one to ask her." Medix narrowed his optics, his question pointed, "And you're sure he's the one for you?" Golden Prima glanced fondly at Drift before assuring, "100%." Medix relaxed slightly, "Fine, but if he ever-" "-I think I can handle him if he ever tries anything." Golden Prima interrupted the Medbot with a warning look to her future mate and Drift nodded in agreement, "I would never." Medix crossed his arms across his chassis with a ex-vent, "You better not." Blades took his opportunity to pop his helm into their conversation, his derma lifted in a large smile, "Hey Goldy, Drift! Sorry to spring this on you but I just shared your letter with him." Golden Prima rolled her optics, "Ugh, you and about half of Cybertron. You would think when I said I wanted a small ceremony...bots would take that seriously." Drift hummed in agreement, placing his arm around her waist, "I'm sure we can fix the guest list once we get RSVP's, my blossom." Golden Prima relaxed into his touch, "I suppose we can...speaking of that, we need to work through the details with Ratchet and Optimus." Drift shuttered his optics, his voice calm, "Today?" The Prime looked over his internal schedule with a sigh, "Tomorrow. I put it on my schedule so I don't forget...are you free around 3?" Drift nodded, "Do you want anyone else there?" Golden Prima tilted her helm thoughtfully but ultimately shook her helm, "No, I think the four of us will be enough to finalize everything." She sent an apologetic look to Medix, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about everything sooner, I amused bots already knew, but I'll let you two meet in person." Medix huffed, "Before the ceremony?" The couple shared a look and Golden Prima nodded, "Before the ceremony." 

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