Good Morning

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Rose blinked her eyes open wearily, squinting at her digital alarm clock that sat on her desk in the corner; 2:00 am. She sighed and tried to maneuver herself out of bed but an arm caught her, snaking around her waist to bring her back into the covers. She smiled softly and lifted up the side of the top blanket, meeting Drift's tried stare. She let the covers fall over his head with a soft chuckle and sat up halfway, taking in his resting form which was snuggled into hers, "Drift, go back to sleep." Drift grumbled under his breath before throwing the covers off his bed and upper body, meeting Rose's eyes and pointing out, though not harshly, "I am up now." Rose winced, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his forehead, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to wake you." Drift cleared his throat and tried again, "That was not my intention...I merely meant that I am awake when you are awake." He stretched his arms in a languid motion, Rose watching cheekily from her side of the bed, "Blossom, what is wrong? You don't usually get up this early." Rose hummed, laying back down so her body was facing Drift, "It happens sleep schedule has been messed up lately so I've been trying to make up for it...but once I wake up I usually can't go back to sleep." She smiled as Drift covered a yawn, "You really don't have to stay up...I was just going to go on a walk or something." Drift raised his eyebrow in her direction, pulling himself closer so he was pressed into her chest, "I think you should stay right here...I can keep you company." Rose wrapped her arms around his shoulders, letting out a deep breath to relax her form, "I love you Drift." Drift stiffened before relaxing into her, maneuvering himself so he was level with her, his hand coming forward to cup her cheek, "I love you Rose." He pressed a small kiss to her temple and hugged her tightly to his body, "And I can love you from here...just stay with me?" Rose smiled, resting her face on his chest, "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world." 

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