Don't Wake The Monster

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Ratchet breathed out a sigh when Gold Line chirped loudly from her berthroom. He stood, stretching out the cabling in his pipes and back struts before covering the short distance to the sparkling's berth; just next door to the room Optimus and him occupied. Gold Line was looking rather indignant, or as much as a sparkling could muster, at being left alone to recharge. Ratchet raised his optic ridges, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lip plating at such an angry expression on the younger ones' face plates. Gold Line stared up at her Carrier, turning her ruffled look to the biggest puppy optics she could muster, trying her best to get out of her berthroom and into the living room where all her toys were waiting patiently for her. Ratchet tutted, checking his internal chronometer for the time; she was supposed to be recharging right now. Gold Line pulled at their link with a fond tap, babbling gibberish at Ratchet when he turned his attention to her again. Ratchet huffed, plucking her from the berth and bundling her to the next room. Gold Line squirmed, trying desperately to set her pedes on the floor but Ratchet held her firmly, gently plopping her down on the couch behind a small table, which was covered in piles of datapads. Gold Line whined, pointing to her toys at the far end of the living room when Ratchet settled down next to her. Ratchet stroked her helm in a comforting manner, motioning to her through their bond, as well as out loud, "You're supposed to be recharging." Gold Line scrunched her face, imitating Ratchet's famous scowl, before babbling loudly in frustration. Ratchet tickled her ear fin and Gold Line erupted into gleeful giggles, burying herself in Ratchet's side to imitate the feeling. Ratchet hummed when she stilled, peeking at the femmeling when she didn't respond. Gold Line faceplates had fixed back into a grumpy look, eyeing her toys from the couch as she glared at her Carrier with another pointed chirp. Ratchet rolled his optics, taping her olfactory system softly, "Recharge." Gold Line blinked, frustrated tears springing to her optics as she was denied her toys again. Ratchet raised her optic ridges in amusement, wiping her tears away and tucking the sparkling into his arms so she was resting against his chest plates. His engines rumbled into a soft purr, calming Gold Line until her tears stopped and she was back to glaring grumpily at her Carrier. Ratchet adjusted her into a more comfortable position, turning his frame heat up a little higher to add to the femmeling's, while also flowing soothing bonds to their shared link. Gold Line huffed before settling into him further, nuzzling her helm into his chest plates with a soft chirp. She tucked her arms into his side and closed her optics, babbling to him as he patiently waited for her to drift off into recharge. After a few minutes, Ratchet felt the tension leave her smaller frame and her spark beat calm against his; signaling to him that she had slipped off into recharge. Ratchet smiled fondly, trying his best not to jostle her as he rose from the couch. He checked her over again before moving them back into her berthroom. He toed the door open and detached the recharging sparling from his frame and laid her slowly into her berth. Gold Line made no move to protest so Ratchet retreated quietly into the living room to try and complete the rest of his mounting workload. He was only a few minutes into his work when the doors to their hab-suit clicked away and Optimus appeared in their front hall, shaking his frame wearily. Ratchet smiled and moved to greet him, mindful of their recharging sparkling. Optimus meets his optics with a shared smile, kissing him briefly before surveying the room curiously, "No Gold Line?" Ratchet jerked his hem in the other berthroom's direction with a roll of his optics, "She's recharging finally...don't be loud I just got her down." Optimus's optics filled with mirth but he promised quietly to keep the noise level down for the sake of his sparkling and his mate. He moved to the living room, organizing Ratchet's datapad stacks into neater piles, before collapsing into the couch, motioning to the spot next to him for his mate. Ratchet's smile grew as he took up his usual spot on the couch, leaning into Optimus's comforting warmth, "How was the council?" Optimus stuttered his optics, humming in response to Ratchet's question, nuzzling into his mate's closeness, "They were...unmoving in their beliefs and standard." Ratchet scoffed, rolling his optics at his statements, "You mean old and unmodernized? They've got policies made for millions of years in the past...they're just not willing to change." Optimus hummed again, his voice soft, "I agree... Alpha Trion and I are starting to progress...small as it is." Ratchet chuckled at the Prime's unnaturally sour tone but was quickly cut off by a curse when a wail broke from Gold Line's berthroom. Ratchet eyed his mate, poking him in the side plating, his tone curt, "Go bring out your femmeling." Optimus raised his optic ridges but diligently rose to fetch their sparkling. He returned a few minutes later with the familiar ruffled femme, who was squirming impatiently in her Sire's servos, trying to break free to the living room floor. Optimus tightened his hold slightly, dropping back into the couch next to his tired mate. Gold Line glared at her Carrier before smiling up at her Sire with her best puppy dog optics. Optimus chuckled at her display, fluttering his ear fins to get hers to pop forward. Gold Line squeaked, motioning to her toys in the corner but Ratchet stopped Optimus before he could set her down, "Ep, ep, ep...she still hasn't recharged enough!" Optimus glanced down at the wide-awake sparkling, "Old friend, I don't believe she will be recharging any time soon." Ratchet rubbed at his face plates tiredly, "Fine, you can deal with her later tonight." Optimus sent a loving bond through their link, setting their sparkling down on the floor. Gold Line made an immediate beeline for her toys, toppling down the neat stacks to get to her floating blocks. The blocks served to train her memorization and would light up different colors in a coded pattern for her to unlock; a few rounds of this and she would be able to play with them freely. Optimus smiled, relaxing back onto the couch and the inviting warmth of his spark mate. The two creators watched their sparkling play with the blocks, content to bask in each other's fields. 

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