The Battle For Iacon

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Gold Line dodged a blast as she transversed through the broken streets of Iacon. Alarm bells were blaring as the city was trampled underfoot by the masses of Cybertron's fighting against each other. A red mech stumbled into Gold Line's side, making her steps falter briefly, her pointed denta bared in warning, but the mech only groaned lowly before collapsing onto the cobbled stone, his EM Field cold and his bio-lights flickering out. Gold Line wrinkled her olfactory system, optics cycling on the large blast wound to his spark casing, exposing his spark to the elements. Smoke filmed over the streets, obscuring her view and making the Primeling cough out in vain to clear the smog from her vents. She huffed and turned on her heel, running through the streets to the middle of the fray. Her frame was littered in small nicks and splayed with drying Energon, tells of her recent fights. Gold Line ducked behind a downed building and peeked over the rumble at the throng of the skirmish, her audio fins flared. The battle was split into two groups, the main fight included the newly named, Megatron and Optimus, while the wardlord's generals fought against the Prime's trusted advisors all around the two. Gold Line's optics pined on familiar frames as she surveyed the battle field, trying to determine where she could slip in. A heavily armored mech with main white and red plating, jumped over her recon spot, his bright red optics gleaming as he looked over the wreckage. He shifted the dark grey casings on his forearms before retracting two large swords, the metal stained with Energon. Gold Line bared her fangs with a faint snarl, she recognized this mech. The sight of him made her optics flicker red and her plating raise in aggression. The mech caught her out of the corner of his optics, his helm whipping around in surprise but he was tackled to the ground before he could do anything. Gold Line sneered as he tumbled away, engaged with Ironhide who hadn't recognized the mech yet. Gold Line rose from her hiding spot,  jumping onto the rumble and using the higher ground to look over the fighting Cybertronian's below her. Her spark pinged in pain at the sight of her once glorious home in ruins but the Primeling pushed those feelings away, her optics hardening on Swerve fighting next to his Sire, Lightning. She leapt gracefully from the building, jumping through the throng to fight up to the large plateau Swerve was occupying. She swung her blasters open, the heat deadly as she openly fired at the bots nearest. Swerve's optics rounded on her and he gave her a small smile, leaping to her side so they were fighting back strut to back strut. Swerve pinged their amica bond, his EM Field saddened, "Thought I wouldn't see you again. You okay?" Gold Line retracted a large katana from the sheaths on her hip plating, slashing through a nasty Seeker to her right, "I'm fine, are you?" Swerve nodded, his optics hollow as he explained, "Carrier was hurt, she's in the Medical Tent with the others." Gold Line's spark burned as she meet his optics, conveying her sorrows for him through their bond. Swerve only shook himself and continued to fight through the oncoming bots, his optics flickering. Gold Line looked up at the sound of a high shrill, the sound Energon curdling as she looked over the scene to her left. The red, white and grey mech from earlier was tearing the spark out of an Autobot, his clawed servos stained in blue as he turned the prize to the onlookers. Gold Line locked optics with the mech, angered blue and green meeting cold blue optics. She gritted her denta and her engines rumbled lowly in warning, knowing the mech was watching. Swerve snagged her shoulder plating and hulled her out of the way of a bot's blade. Gold Line turned out of her friends grasp and felled the bot in one arch, the splattering of Energon hitting the ground and staining her sword with another life. Swerve glanced to the other mech, his optics welling slightly in the corner's with transfluids as he suddenly croaked with venom, "She's dying...and he killed her." Gold Line supported his weight, stopping him from chasing after the red and white mech, her tone commanding, "Swerve. Stop." Swerve pushed against her frame, his tone biting, "Let me go." Gold Line flipped him onto the ground, pining him down with all of her strength as he fought against her. She looked up to Lightning, her optics pained, "Please." Lightning was struggling, his spark breaking as he watched his only sparkling feel their other bond slip away. Lightning gently pushed Gold Line away, pulling Swerve to stand before tugging him in the direction of the Medical Tent, his steps never faltering as he lead them both inside. Gold Line shook her frame out, breathing in a deep vent as she blocked everything around her, honing in on the red and white mech. He was fighting confidently, his swords viciously slashing through bots as he worked his way to the Medical Tent. Gold Line growled lowly, slinking over the outcrops to cut him off, waiting for him to approach. She closed her optics, taking a deep vent before alighting her optics on the mech, taking in his rough frame with her cold optics, "Deadlock." Deadlock paused, his optics flickering to the Medical Tent behind her before they recycled to her frame, "Move." Gold Line sneered at the mech, "How dare you." Deadlock flattened his blade to his hips, wiping the Energon off with practiced ease, "I did what needed to be done, nothing more." Gold Line trailed her sword through the ash covered street's, her optics blazing as she remained silent. Deadlock took a single step towards her but something held him back and he hesitated as he neared. Gold Line sensed another bot behind her and she looked over her shoulder, glaring towards the Medical Tents guarded entrance. Swerve was watching from the tent, his optics burning holes into his two amica. Gold Line turned back to Deadlock, her stern facade breaking slightly as she whispered, "I don't think he would agree." Deadlock's optics flickered to blue before settling red again, the only notion her words had affected to him, "She got in my way." Gold Line raised her sword, pointing it directly at his chest plates, "So you'll kill me too then?" Deadlock went still, his optics flickering as Gold Line felt their amica bond ping softly at their nearness. Gold Line slumped slightly, closing her optics as she thought over her next actions. She opened her optics, transfluid slipping down her face plates as she looked over him, disgusted at herself, "I'm done." Deadlock reached his servo out to wipe away her tears but Gold Line captured his servo in her own, batting it away harshly as she stepped away from him, "You made your I'm making mine." Gold Line closed her optics, opening their Amica Bond so it flowed freely between them. "-don't-" Deadlock's words were cut off as Gold Line severed their bond, the overwhelming pain bringing both bots to their knees. Deadlock clawed at his chest plates, transfluid streaming down his faceplates as memories of them in their youth floated through his helm. Gold Line staggered to her pedes, silencing a pained groan as the remains of their bond pushed through their sparks. Deadlock dug his claws into his casings, his optics landing on her as he choked out, "Why would you-" "-I had to do want needed to be done." Deadlock huffed, rising to his pedes stiffly, clenching his denta in pain as he surveyed her, "Then this is goodbye." Gold Line nodded, her optics downcast as she breathed out, "It is." Deadlock nodded, turning on his heel and jumping back into the fray, never once looking back. 

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