Sire's Sparklingsitting

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Orion winced as Gold Line wailed again. Although he admired his femmeling's vocal range, her cries were insistent and nothing Orion seemed to do could solve her sudden distress. Orion plucked the ruffled sparkling from her berth, tucking her into his chest plates the way Ratchet had shone him and she settled briefly before her cries started up again. "Let me do that." Ratchet appeared in the entrance to her berthroom, leaning heavily against the doorframe as he tiredly surveyed the two. Orion's optics trailed over the noticeable droop in his mate's shoulder plating and the tired glint in his optics before gently rocking their femmeling, "You should be resting...I can watch her old friend." Gold Line whimpered as she caught sight of her Carrier, reaching out her pudgy arms in Ratchet's direction with a shrill whine. Ratchet shook his head stubbornly, motioning for Orion to hand her over, "At least let me feed her, and then you can go back to torturing her." Orion ex-vented with a sheepish wince when Gold Line was handed off and immediately quieted in her Carrier's arms. Ratchet rolled his optics at Orion's dejected look, turning to their own berthroom with a huff, "You coming or not?" Orion quickly followed after his sparkmate, watching as Ratchet climbed into their berth and settled into the plush covers and pillows. He gave Orion a pointed look, motioning to the space next to him, "You're doing fine Orion...sparkling's are just very...attached to their Carrier's at this stage." Orion pinned his ear fins, settling next to Ratchet in their berth, "I don't blame her." Ratchet narrowed his optics, ex-venting with a huff before turning his attention to the femmeling eyeing him quizzingly from his arms, "That's your Sire, little one." Gold Line babbled in response, tapping his chest plates with a curled servo. Ratchet hummed, adjusting the smaller frame against his before opening his central plating, assisting the femmeling into latching on to the closet feeding tube. Gold Line purred into his frame, activating his own engine to rumble alive in response. Orion smiled fondly at the sight, leaning closer to rest against Ratchet's side. Ratchet eyed him, loosening one of his arms to wrap around the archivist in a comforting manner. Orion nuzzled into his side, shuttering his optics to a dimmer light, sending a loving bond to his sparkmate. Ratchet responded in kind, blinking tiredly as the week started to catch up to him. Orion smiled at the sudden shift in Ratchet's mood, settling more pillows and blankets around the medic with a teasing flicker of his ear fins. Gold Line detached from the feeding tubing with a chirp, energized after her feeding she warbled out a string of gibberish to her Carrier. Ratchet raised his optic ridges, closing his chest plating with a snap and handing the alert sparkling to Orion with a smirk, "She's all yours." Orion smiled lovingly at his sparkmate, kissing him on his chevron before shifting to the ground, sparkling in tow. Ratchet ex-vented, falling back into the berth as his system prepared for recharge, "Don't kill her please." 

6 hours later:

Ratchet's frame hummed to life against his will, his internal chronometer flashing harshly against his helm. Ratchet silenced the alarm, cycling his optics until he was able to make out the darkened shapes of familiar items in their shared berthroom. The hab-suit was quiet, though Ratchet could sense Orion and Gold Line somewhere near; most likely in the living room or neighboring berthroom. A low chuckle met his audial receptors, followed by a much higher-pitched squeak. Gold Line's voice rose and she babbled hurridly to her Sire, giggling when Orion didn't respond verbally and Ratchet surmised he was using his ear fins. He pushed himself from the berth, organizing his internal mechanisms with practiced ease before shifting to the ground. He silently walked to the door, peering out of the room to watch the two, settled in the living room. Orion was perched on the floor, right in front of Gold Line, who was watching the mech curiously from her play chair. Orion flared his ear fins and Gold Line's copied making the sparkling laugh at the movement. Orion pinned his back to his head and Gold Line mimicked, flaring hers for Orion to copy. The archivist chuckled, perking his ear fins forward in response. Gold Line reached out her arms, making grabby hands at the flared metal. Orion seemed to hesitate for a few minutes before leaning forward so the femmeling could secure the metal in her servos. "Be careful, she won't be gentle." Orion's ear fins whipped out of Gold Line's servos in surprise making the sparkling erupt into laughter. Ratchet chuckled at Gold Line's apparent enjoyment, cooing to the femmeling when she noticed her Carrier. Gold Line squirmed in the chair, babbling insistently to Ratchet as he neared. Orion shook out his frame, shifting gracefully to his pedes with a stretch of his back struts, "I did not realize she would be so entrained by my ear fins." Ratchet tickled the metal flares on Gold Line's head, making the sparkling giggle again, "They're small, move and are brightly colored...she probably wants to put them in her intake." He chuckled at Orion's offended look, "She's a sparkling...she doesn't think about much at this stage Orion." Orion shook his helm with a roll of his optics, moving to nestle into Ratchet's frame with a deep ex-vent. Ratchet hummed, letting his calm field roll over the three of them. Orion kissed the side of his face plate, trying to place another on his lip-plating when Gold Line whined at the lack of attention. Ratchet's frame purred in response, soothing any future meltdown, before burying his helm into Orion's neck cabling. Orion let his field hang loosely around them, filtering love across their bond occasionally. Gold Line whined again when neither of her creators made to notice her. She tugged at their shared bond with impatience, jabbing Ratchet's Carrier coding with a strong ping. Ratchet huffed in annoyance, his HUB lighting up with notifications, flaring his coding to attend to their creation. Ratchet rolled his optics, staying tucked into Orion's warmth. Gold Line attacked Orion's Sire coding next, making the large mech growl protectively when it hastened to life. Orion silenced his engines with a chuckle, "It seems our sparkling wants attention Ratchet." 

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