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Rose shifted to the temporary medical tables in the commons area of the main base building. She was clutching her side tightly as crimson blood trickled down the sides of her fingers from the wound.  She pulled her hand away to inspect the wound closer, wincing at the bloody sight. Rose sighed, glancing at her other soldiers and Autobots as they crowded the base, treads, and boots muddy after a successful Energon raid. Mitsy came into her view, her hands already stuffed with medical supplies, "I've looked over everyone else Rose, how's your wound?" Rose glanced down at her side, feeling the stiffness starting to set in on her body, "Still there." She grunted as Mitsy examined the wound with her gloved hands, trancing over the edges with a frown, "Is this a shot wound?" Rose shrugged, "I think so...I'm not entirely sure what new stuff M.E.C.H. has but it stung like a bitch." Mitsy hummed before ripping her body suit further away from the wound, pressing a gauze to it as it started to drip again. Rose gritted her teeth as Mitsy applied more pressure, trying to stop the bleeding altogether. She removed the darkened bandage before applying a strong-smelling cleanser, staining the surrounding skin a light orange. Rose scrunched her nose at the smell, examining the wound as Mitsy wrapped a gauze tightly to her side, hiding the wound from sight, "I'll need to re-dress that later...then I'll have to stitch it up." Rose nodded her head, sending her a tired smile, "Thanks Mits." Mitsy nodded her head, gathering the rest of her supplies and retiring to her medical bay with a last call over her shoulder, "Don't do anything stupid while I clean up!" Rose shook her head with amusement and answered back, "Wouldn't dream of it!" She turned her eyes upon her team, inspecting their weary and muddy forms with a hum, "Everyone alright?" Sunstreaker snorted loudly from his position next to his brother, "What a pity...even the humans are turning against each other." Rose turned to evaluate him from her position. She considered his statement when no one rushed to answer, "It's not so black and white...not every human is a part of M.E.C.H.." Sunstreaker's EM field rattled threateningly as he puffed out his chest plating in irritation, "What do you expect me to say? I don't trust think I could trust you after everything humans have done?" Rose shrugged calmly as Sideswipe put his arm out to comfort his brother, "I mean...I did, even after everything the Decipticons have done." Sunstreaker gritted his denta together and sneered, walking closer so Rose could feel the heat radiating off his form, "You know nothing." Lennox stepped to cover her back with a cool look in Sunstreaker's direction, "Don't get any closer." Sunstreaker shuttered his optics, narrowing them to thin slits, "Or what?" Rose pushed her arm into Lennox's chest as he stepped forward with an unsaid threat, "Enough." Lennox eased up under her command and returned to her side, his eyes never leaving Sunstreaker as Rose addressed him, "What are you trying to achieve Sunstreaker?...Some repayment for what M.E.C.H. did?...Revenge?" Sunstreaker sniffed before leaning away, his optics flickering as he tried to calm down; he needed to control himself, "I'm not interested in your assume you know everything but trust" Rose nodded her head in agreement, her expression still neutral, "I don't know everything about you Sunstreaker...but the same could be said about know nothing of my life...I know firsthand how terrible humans are, trust me, but blaming everyone you see isn't getting us anywhere." Sunstreaker clenched his fists together, light red seeping into his optics, "Then what do you suggest I do? Sit back as you do?" Lennox barked out a laugh, as did the rest of the soldiers before Rose silenced them with a look, "Cut that out." The soldiers snapped their mouths shut with guilty looks her way. Rose refocused her attention on Sunstreaker, "I'm not asking you to forgive the people that hurt you but to work with us here...I'm trying to help." Sunstreaker allowed steam to release from his olfactory system with a hiss, "You talk as if you've experienced the things I've seen." Rose hesitated before meeting his optics cooly, "Maybe I have." Sunstreker hummed before shuttering his optics, the last of the red fading from them, "Like what? You haven't seen slag..." Rose pursed her lips, stiffening as Mitsy interrupted their conversation, "Hell...that's what she's experienced...stop putting your self-pity on everyone." Rose winced at Mitsy's harsh words but Sunstreaker didn't seem fazed, "Hell? You're the species with a planet still active..." Mitsy narrowed her eyes, "And who's..." Rose jumped up from the medical bed and forced a hand over Misty's mouth, whispering a few words into her ear before pulling away again. Mitsy straightened, "Right...if you don't mind I've got to stitch Rose's wound." Sunstreaker leaned back on his pedes his optics narrowing, "No...finish your earlier comment...I'm curious to hear what you have to say Medic." Mitsy furrowed her brow in annoyance, "I can't you asshole...Rose's orders." Sunstreaker turned his gaze to Rose with a tilt of his helm but Optimus interrupted forcefully, "Enough." Sunstreaker gritted his denta but fell back in line next to his brother with a huff. Optimus surveyed the heated group with tired optics, "This ends now...we have no fight with our human companions here...Sunstreaker?" Sunstreaker nodded his head dismissively under his leader's imploring gaze. Rose cleared her throat addressing her group with a firm tone, "Same with you guys...don't go starting shit okay? Lennox?" Lennox nodded his head dutifully, "Yes Ma'am." Rose nodded her head in satisfaction before turning back and starting icily, "I'm sorry Sunstreaker." Sunstreaker sent her a skeptical look, "For what?" Rose shrugged, "For everything." She turned towards Mitsy, flinching as her wound stung angrily, "Shit." Misty scanned over her briefly before motioning to the med table, "Sit down before you tear something else." Rose gingerly sat down on the medical bay with a relieved sigh. 

Like what? Carrier couldn't care to stay around...Sire didn't give you enough love..." Rose rose from the medical table, effectively stopping Sunstreaker in his tracks. Lennox pulled at Rose's shoulder, preventing her from stepping forward, "He's not worth it." Rose lightly shrugged his hand off before she raised her voice, deathly calm, "Disrespecting me is one thing...but my family? Don't you fucking dare...I've sacrificed everything to be think surviving one war makes you a hero Sunstreaker? Grow the fuck up...maybe you should fix your own abandonment issues instead of hiding them with an attitude." She turned and stalked away, leaving her soldiers to deal with the aftermath. Lennox glanced at his group before nodding firmly, waving the Autobots good night, and beckoning his soldiers to follow him to their private quarters. The Autobot group stood there for a few awkward moments before Optimus addressed them, "We should do the same...the Energon can wait." Ratchet stood by Optimus's side as they watched the majority of the Autobots retire for the day or head off to their washracks to scrub today's grim away. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were the only Autobots left. Optimus looked over at Sunstreaker with a thoughtful frown, "Sunstreaker, you will apologize for your words." Sunstreaker opened his intake to retort but Sideswipe hit his back struts, effectively silencing him. Sunstreaker glared at him as he waited for the rest of his punishment but Optimus seemed finished. Sideswipe guided his brother to their hab-suit with an apologetic look in his leader's direction. 

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