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Mitsy leaned up against the base doors, watching her breath fog in the cold air. She shivered slightly, tucking her coat around her body securely. Nevada looked peaceful in the winter. Mitsy looked up to the night sky, smiling at the small flakes of snow starting to fall. The stars twinkled merrily down at her, illuminating the deserted sand around the base. The base doors opened and closed with a thud and someone could be heard making their way towards the Doctor. Mitsy turned to watch the figure approach, "Rose?" The figure came into full view and Mitsy raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Ratchet?" The Autobot Medic blinked at the woman, looking cozy in his thick winter coat, "Doctor Taft? I didn't realize that was you standing out here...I came outside to check on...well, you." Mitsy chuckled, "You can just call me Mitsy, Ratchet...I'm fine, it's nice to sit out here every once in a while." Ratchet leaned up against the wall next to the her, his blue eyes looking over the serene dessert in front of them, "It is very quiet out here." Mitsy hummed in agreement, glancing at the Medic before looking over to the base again, "Am I your excuse to escape from the base for a while?" Ratchet shrugged his shoulders, "I suppose you could put it that way." Mitsy nodded in understanding, "Well, there's not much to do out here I'm afraid." Ratchet waved her off, "I don't mind." Mitsy blinked before falling back into silence, watching the snow fall to the ground undisturbed. After a couple minutes of silence Ratchet cleared his throat, "I forgot how different Earth's atmosphere is to Cybertron." Mitsy didn't move her gaze from the falling snow, "You mean the snow?" Ratchet stuck his hand out to catch some of the flakes on his palm, "Yes, Cybertron does not have snow...or much weather I suppose." Mitsy turned her eyes to watch the Medic curiously, "Rose told me a little about what it's sounds beautiful." Ratchet's face turned into a wry smile, "It was, especially the capital...Cybertron was known for it's architecture." Mitsy nodded, looking back to the dessert with a sigh, "She doesn't talk about it often...but when she does, it's a lot of good memories." Ratchet dropped his hand, crossing his arms across his chest and looking at the Doctor briefly, "I'm glad she can talk to someone about it." Mitsy sighed, closing her eyes before glancing at Ratchet, "You knew exactly who I was when you walked out here, didn't you?" Ratchet shrugged, watching the woman's face, "I did...I came to talk." Mitsy leaned forward off of the wall, "About?" Ratchet fidgeted with his coat for a second, stalling his words, "About Rose." Ratchet's face softened when the Doctor stiffened, "You know don't you?" Mitsy chuckled dryly, "About tomorrow being Rose's last battle? Yeah...she told me." 

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