New Game Called Flirt

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Rose smirked as she watched the soldiers drink merrily, celebrating their fifth year with their Autobot companions. The Autobots were relaxing in various holo-forms, enjoying the festive or simply watching from the observation deck above. The main hall was washed in dim lighting while popular music thrummed around the murmur of voices. Rose stretched out her neck, slumping in the plump chair she occupied, just inside the circle of games. Lennox settled a beer on his knee, firmly gripping the bottle before taking a swing, smiling at the soldiers around him, "Let's spice things up! We're all adults here so if you're taken just enjoy the show!" The group peeked up at him in interest, egging the soldier to spill the details, "Okay so we haven't played in a while but since we've got new faces we should play a round of Flirt? Who's in?" The soldiers roared out cheers at the suggestion, leaving the bots to glance at each other in confusion. Ironhide placed a steadying hand on his tipsy partner, "What's the point of the game? Rules and whatnot." Lennox blinked, resting his finished drink on the coffee table, "Random draw who you point is-well exactly what it sounds like, you get a set time to flirt with the person and make them flustered, tap out, or react in any way-the person with the most successful rounds wins!...rules are interchangeable but the person you pick sets the baseline terms-like no touching or stuff like that! Sound good?" Ironhide raised his eyebrows at the group, all of which were staring at him challengingly, "Alright, who starts?" Rose interrupted before the soldiers could argue, "You forgot to set your time...also anyone's game as long as they don't have a partner." Lennox scratched at his head before smiling, "Right, 1-minute sound good? should play Rose, you wouldn't want to lose your winning streak, would you?" Rose rolled her eyes at his tease, "Fine, since you asked so nicely." The soldiers around her burst into loud cheers, drawing everyone's attention to the group in the common area. Ultra Magnus narrowed his eyes at the rowdy group, curling his lip in disdain at their drunken laughter. The group ignored him and started up the game. Lennox surveyed the team, "Who'd like to go first?" Rose hummed, "I'll go, who's my target?" Her XO smirked, drawing the team into a tight huddle to pick her person. After a few minutes, they loosened up, smiling widely at their CO as Lennox started to speak again, "We've decided on Drift...Crosshairs says there's no way the guy will crack!" Crosshairs nodding wildly, "I'd like to see you ruffle his plating for sure, Little Boss...though I don't think you can!" He chuckled to himself, the others following suit. Rose pursed her lips, eyeing Drift. The sportscar had settled himself on the observation deck, talking idly to the bots up top; Optimus, Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, Acree, Cliffjumper Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Grimlock, Strongarm, and Windblade (the less inclined drinkers or the night watch). Rose grimaced at her audience up top but quickly pushed it away, taking a sip from her own drink to try and still any nerves. She stuck her tongue out at the green paratrooper before waltzing up the stairs and onto the deck. Most of the group ignored her, already deep in conversation, but some waved her way in greeting as she moved toward her target. Rose eyed Drift's form, thanking Primus that he wasn't towards the center of the group, more so hugging the outskirts safely. Drift sent her a puzzled look as she scooted a chair to his side, inserting herself into the main conversation as she waited for Drift's attention. The sportscar finished his sentence before fully focusing on her with a tilt of his head. Rose smiled genuinely at him before leaning forward to whisper in his ear, her breath tickling his neck, "Those pants look tight on you, poor thing...I'm sure my mouth has more room." Drift stiffened, his eyes practically popping out of his sockets at her words, gripping his chair as if it would ground him. The topside group paused when they noticed Drift's particular expression. Ultra Magnus, who was nearest measured him a look, "What is wrong?" Drift flushed before shaking himself, ignoring the rising color in his cheeks, "It is nothing, my apologies, continue." Ultra Magnus blinked before shaking his head, returning back to his conversation with annoyance layering his tone. Rose looked down to the circle of soldiers with a thumbs up but Lennox shook his head, smirking at her and mouthing, "Times not up." Rose sniffed before eyeing her companion again. Drift was ignoring her now, sitting stiffly in his chair and sparring her no looks. Rose pushed her chair slightly back, out of sight of the main group as she ran her hand up his back, watching the muscle strain at her touch. Drift gritted his teeth, whispering to her from the side of his mouth, "Stop, I will only warn you are drunk." Rose shook her head but retracted her hands with a sigh, he was making this hard, "Help me out here Drifter, I'm playing a game and I couldn't pass on riling up something so beautiful." Drift turned slightly, his eyes passing over her coldly, and his tone was stern yet warm, "You think I'm beautiful? You've been mistaken...for if I am beautiful then you are rarely exquisite." Rose raised her eyebrows at him, enjoying the challenging glint in his eye, "Oh, then you'll love my bedroom manner too." She tapped him on the nose before smirking as the blush seeped back into his skin; who knew Drift could get so flustered? The mech suddenly chuckled, "I wouldn't want to hurt you, blossom, so let's leave the pleasantries for later and just start screaming my name now." Rose blinked, laughing at his cringed expression from his own words. She leaned forward to ruffle his hair, even as he protested, "Nice one, my Knight...little much." Drift rolled his eyes before a familiar voice interrupted them, making the samurai still, "Drift what are you two discussing over there?" Ratchet glared at the sportscar hauntingly, his eyes burning into the pair. Rose smiled at him warmly, "Nothing much, I was just wondering if he was having a good time." Ratchet narrowed his eyes in warning, clearing having caught on, "Lennox called time a while ago, I think you should go join another round." Rose smile brightly at him, "Sure thing Mommabird." 

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