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Something was wrong. Rose could feel it. Her gut was telling her to move, to hide, to run-but she was frozen in place. Megatron inched closer, his optics, darkened by purple, were studying her as if she was something of interest to him. He stopped abruptly before kneeling, watching her as multiple emotions ran across his faceplates and through his field. Rose couldn't help but ask, her tone barely above a whisper, "Why would you do this to him? You were his closest could you?" Megatron seemed to still, his field suddenly drawn tight to his frame, "Why not ask, how could he do this to me? I gave everything to the cause I thought we were building, little one." The softening in his tone hit Rose squarely across the face and she flinched as if he'd struck her, "He didn't ask to become a know this...even with his family line there is no guarantee." Megatron titled his helm, his optics narrowed into slits, "That was not what I was referring to." Rose pushed down the fear she felt struggling to take over, raising her voice over the chatter in her mind, "If you truly cared for this cause then you would have signed some form of agreement to end the war, you wouldn't let it take our home or kill're not for the cause anymore are you?" Megatron ex-vented slowly, watching her out of the corner of his optics, "It is not so simple. Optimus could have offered the same solution." Rose meets his dark optics with a searching look, appalled to see pieces of Megatronous from her childhood, "Would you agree to it-to a peace treaty?" The warlord pursed his lip plating before raising to his full height, an unreadable expression blurring his face plates, "Optimus does not understand...he was raised privileged with limited interactions of unjust cast system placed on us by those before him." Rose straightened her back, readying herself for the mech to attack at any moment when he started to pace the cave, "He might not understand in the way that you're referring but he sympathizes and wishes to fix really think caste matters in a war? What continues this cycle of endless fighting? doesn't have to be like this." Megatron looked to be considering her words before his lip plates formed a sneer, "You're soft like him...years of fighting in the pits as taught me to triumph over the weak for they offer nothing to wish for the war to end, little one? What are you willing to do for it?" Rose's eyes flickered to the exit of the cave, just behind the mech towering in front of her, "You know I was holding onto this hope that Megatronous was still there...somewhere in you Megatron but I'm starting to think Ratchet's right and you are truly lost." The warlord circled to her right, powering on his large blaster attached to his forearm, "The medic is smarter than he looks." Another Cybertronian attacked Megatron from his back struts, sending him crashing into the opposite wall. Optimus's optics narrowed on Rose's form before facing the warlord again, signaling the human to the exit. Rose stubbornly hit his pede, racing toward the exit, "Let's go before things get serious." Optimus sent a wary look to Megatron, who was pushing to his pedes, before running after her, scooping her up to race through the open portal. 

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