Slow Days

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Rose aka Gold Line watched Drift, Jetstorm, and Slipstream train as the day winded down. Rose had nothing to work on, for the time being, and was invited to watch the three train by her partner, Drift. Rose turned her attention back to the fight. Drift swung his fist out toward Slipstream, who parried with a strike of his own. From there, Jetstorm took advantage of his Master's blind side and landed a mock blow to his back struts, making the larger bot stumble forward into Slipstream's next counter. Dirft quickly got his barrings and was able to send both mini-cons crashing to the ground, all three bots panting heavily. He raised his hand to signal the end of the fight and congratulated his pupils for their moves during the session, while also noting where they could improve. Once finished Drift made his way to where Rose was seated, actively watching him as he stuck out his hand to help her up with one of his rare smiles. Rose raised an eyebrow at him before accepting his hand, playfully tugging him back to her on the ground. Drift, surprised fell into her with a grunt and scrambled off as soon as he felt their two bodies contact. He glared at her laughing nature, before settling next to Rose on the dojo floor. Rose patted his shoulder plating as the mech dutifully ignored her, "You should be more careful I could have hurt you." Rose hummed, rubbing his arm, "You wouldn't hurt me." Drift turned toward her as if to argue but Jetstorm interrupted them, "Rose did you see the blow I landed on Master Drift!?" Rose smiled down at him, effectively turning her attention away from their argument, "I did! It was a brilliant move, did Drift teach you that?" Jetstorm glowed under her compliments, "Yes, and I saw you use it from when you spar!" Rose blinked before smiling at him, "You both did a very good job today!" Slipstream glanced between both his mentors and elbowed Jetstorm, who had just opened his mouth to say something. Jetstorm sent a glare to his brother before Slipstream dragged him off, leaving the two bots alone. Rose cupped Drift's face, sending him a soft smile, "As for did amazing today too, I guess those sparing sessions are really paying off...though I think you can stop taking it easy on them." Drift leaned into her touch with a sigh, his hardened expression slipping into something more peaceful, "I suppose, my blossom." He moved to cup her hand on his face and kissed the inside of her palm, "Did you need to go back to work?" Rose shook her head softly, "No, I finished all my work for today so right now I'm content to sit with my partner." Drift hummed and pulled Rose closer, relaxing into her arms, his helm pressed to her spark chamber plating. Rose stroked his helm, effectively soothing the tension out of his frame. Drift mumbled something against her chest plating and Rose hummed, "You'll have to repeat that know, I wonder if your pupils know how much of  softie...." She was cut off by Drift's lips on her mouth. He placed another butterfly kiss on her cheek before crawling deeper into her frame, "I'm sure my pupils have witnessed the soft spot I have for you...I asked if you wished to retire to our hab-suit?" Rose chuckled at his expression before pulling him up, ignoring his protests to be careful, "Let's go." Drift took her hand with a softening glare and led her to their shared hab-suit. He entered the code and pulled her toward their living room. Rose settled herself on their couch as Drift nuzzled into her frame once more. He allowed his hands to travel up her body, tweaking kinked wires or smoothing out cables, Rose doing the same to his body. The couple relaxed in peaceful silence, allowing their EM fields to mesh and enjoy each other's presence. Drift smushed his helm further into her frame, letting out a deep sigh. Rose rubbed over his helm crests with soothing circles, careful to be gentle as the area was ticklish. Drift huffed when she went over a partially sensitive spot and listened to Rose as her laugh rang through their hab-suit. Drift snaked his arms around her and squeezed her into him, feeling her laughter ring through her form. She stilled and caressed his cheek. The couple looked up as their hab-suit doors whooshed open and two bickering voices could be heard, "No I don't think we should come here...what I think we should go see Bumblebee." Jetstorm glared at his brother as Slipstream dragged him into their hab-suit, "I have to drop off my naginata and then..." Slipstream stopped abruptly at the sight of his two mentors watching them from their couch. Jetstorm made an annoyed sound and waved his hand in front of his brother's face unaware they had been spotted, "What? You look like you've seen a you hear something? Helloooooooo?" Slipstream glared at his brother and rolled his eyes, "Would you be quiet for one second?" Jetstorm opened his mouth to retort but Rose interrupted him, "Jetstorm." Jetstorm jumped and whisked around, his eyes blown at the two on the couch. He grabbed his brother's arm and pulled him out the door without another word. Both the bots broke out into laughter, glancing at each other. Rose shook her head with a smile, "Jetstorm's the one who looked like he saw a ghost now." Drift chuckled softly, "Yes, he has quite the irony." He shook his head and settled back into the couch, lulling the room back into silence. Rose leaned back on the couch's armrest, "When are we going to tell them we've spark-bonded?" Drift clicked his denta together, "I believe they already know." Rose hummed, "And the rest of the team?" Drift scrunched his nasal ridge, "I have not yet escaped Crosshair's relentless teasing...he still believes I don't have the bearings to ask for your spark...but I believe we've waited long enough." Rose nodded, "My creators will be thrilled." Drift raised an eyebrow, "You mean Optimus Prime will be his own way...Ratchet..." Drift trailed off and Rose couldn't help but laugh at his thoughtful face,"...he'll tear me apart and use me for scrap metal." Rose rolled her eyes, "No, he won't...Optimus won't let him." Drift nodded along, keen to see her smile again, "Hai, you are right." Drift closed his optics and rested his head back into Rose's frame, "We should discuss this tomorrow." Rose hummed, "Or announce it tomorrow?" Drift nodded again, his frame slowly powering down, "I agree, my blossom." 

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