The 13 Primes

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The thirteen Primes: Prima, Vector Prime, Alpha Trion, Solus Prime, Micronus Prime, Alchemist Prime, Nexus Prime, Onyx Prime, Amalgamous Prime, Quintus Prime, Sentinel Prime, The Fallen, and Optimus Prime are legendary among Cybertronian kind. Although most no longer walk alongside us....they are still watching.

Golden Prima repressed a roll of her optics as Amalgamous whizzed by her in a cheetah alt-form, his EM field filled with delight as he raced around the white space they currently occupied. Prima allowed a small smile to come to his worn face plates at the mech's antics, "Amalagmous, calm yourself." The shape-shifting mech tilted his cheetah-like helm before jumping into another transformation, his original bi-pedal form smiling up at the older Prime, "It has been a long time since I have stepped foot on the real world, how can we be calm in such a situation mech....and Solus." Solus Prime rolled her optics at his jib, her own excitement bleeding through, "We are all just as excited as you are Amalagmous." The shape-shifter vented, fidgeting with his servos as he waited for the rest of the Primes to appear. A bright light blocked their view, making everyone shield their optics as the rest of the Primes arrived. First came Vector Prime, allowing his calm field to soothe over Amalagmous's static one. Following shortly after him were Alpha Trion, Sentinel Prime, Micronus Prime, Alchemist Prime, Nexus Prime, Onyx Prime, and Quintus Prime. The Primes greeted each other quickly before turning their attention to their leader, Prima. The great mech chuckled to himself at the various emotions thrumming throughout the space they occupied, "My Primes, we have been granted access to the world for a day...this gift does not come lightly so I will be laying down ground rules now." A couple of the Primes groaned but were quickly shushed by Solus and Micronus. Prima cleared his throat pipes before continuing, "You are to remain invisible to those outside the small party who we will see today, I do not mind where you choose to go or what you do but you will create no that understood?" Prima turned to measure a lengthy look at all the bots present, even the current Prime. When no one objected he motioned to Vector with a simple nod. Vector Prime recycled his milky white optics, making the blue parts swirl around uneasily. He closed his optics and motioned to the far side of the white, where a black portal started to appear. The mech nodded, relaxing his arm down to his side and approaching the portal. He winked at his fellow Primes before stepping in. The rest of the Primes followed shortly after.

*Present Time* 

Golden Prima shifted awkwardly as the Primes took in their environment with mixed emotions. Prima shook out his frame, looking younger than what he appeared in the Well. He turned fully to look over the base before catching Optimus's optic, straightening in greeting, "Optimus, it is good to see you." Optimus nodded his helm, his optic bright with curiosity at all the Primes gathered before him, "It is good to see you Primes." The other Primes gave him simular warm greetings before quieting as Ratchet walked into the room, his helm turned down at a data-pad he was reading over, "Optimus, I think you should read other this one when I'm done-." He stopped abruptly and stared, perplexed, at all the Primes standing in the room. Solus smirked, her gaze trailing up and down Ratchet's frame, "So this is the great Ratchet we keep hearing so much about, it is good to finally meet you." Ratchet re-shuttered his optics with a click, trying to take in the scene before him, "Uh--Thank you, you must be Solus is nice to meet you." Solus chuckled with a nod of her helm but was interupted by Amalagous as he shape-shifted into a version of the femme Prime, "So greet to meet you! Ugh...stop fangirling Solus." Solus sent him a nasty look, whacking him on the back of the helm to effectively shutting him up. The other Primes snickered as Amalagous transformed back into his orginal form, rubbing at his helm with a wince, "Ow! What was that for?" Vector Prime crossed his arms across his chassis with a deep chuckle, "I believe that was for the teasing Amalagous." The shape-shifter glared between all the Primes before shaking his helm, muttering something unintelligible under his breath. Micronus rolled his optics at their banter with a disaproving look on his face plates, "That is no way to act...Ratchet it is a pleasure, Optimus and Golden Prima have told us many good things about you." Ratchet looked between his mate and his sparkling with narrowed optics, "Have they now?" Vector chuckled at the Medic's scutiny, "I assure you all good things so far." Ratchet nodded, sharing a warning look with his mate as if to say, you better not say anything about me. Golden Prima cleared his throat pipes before the Prime could say anything more, "I think it's best if I leave you now. I have some meetings to attend while I am here on Earth." The Primes shared a look of understanding at their newest member and Prima shook up for all of them, "We understand, will we see you before the day is over?" Golden Prima hummed, looking over her digital planner with a vent, "Yes, most likely I will be done in a goon or so. I should not be long so feel free to do whatever you want, you all have my contact in case anything goes wrong or you need me, right?" The Primes nodded collectively, looking among each other as the newest Prime walked out the room, on her way to a meeting with her old General. Optimus cleared his throat pipes as the Primes shared look of hesitancy, "I can start by showing you around the base, if that will be of use?" Quintus blinked, his optics holding a far away look, even without using any of his special abilities the Matrix had given him, "I would like a tour." Optimus looked to the other Primes but no one gave a objection to seeing the full base so he motioned to the door Golden Prima had walked out of, "Then we can start on the main deck." 

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