CO And Hide

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Lennox startled as a large hand landed on his back. He opened his eyes and glared at the person who'd woken him up, "Hey....what'd you do that for, Hide?" The weapons master smirked down at the solider, "You can't be sleeping on the job Lennox." The CO groaned, "Just give me five more minutes okay?" Ironhide snorted, "Five more minutes will turn into ten and then into-" "Okay I get it, I'm up then." Lennox leapt to his feet to effectively silence the mech, "Cut me some slack okay?" Ironhide rolled his eyes, "You're fine...we've got a meeting in two." Lennox checked his watch, rubbing at his face, "That soon huh?" Ironhide nodded, patting the solider on his back, "Come on Lennox, don't want to keep the General waiting." Lennox sent his friend a glare, "If you want me to see him so much, why don't you just do if for me?" Ironhide chuckled, "Now that would be inappropriate, seeing as I'm neither in the human chain of command or high enough on Optimus's." Lennox rolled his eyes, "I'll give you clearance." Ironhide wrinkled his nose, "No way, I don't want in on your human slag...I've got enough to worry about." Lennox raised his eyebrows with an unimpressed look, "You've got a lot to worry about Hide?" Ironhide sighed, "Maybe that was a poor choice of words but it's true, nothing stopped after her death you know." Lennox stiffened and gritted out, "I know." Ironhide sent him a look that was not exactly kind, "Then do me a solid?" Lennox rolled his eyes, already aware of where this conversation was going, "I can't retire Hide, who'd be here to keep your sorry ass in line, huh?" Ironhide wasn't laughing and when Lennox faced him, he winced slightly at the serious look Ironhide was giving him, "I'm serious Will. You work yourself down like she did and you can't afford too. You have a daughter." Lennox glared at him, stepping away from the man, "Cut it out Ironhide." The weapons master blinked, his frown deepening, "What if one day Anabelle comes home from school and her Dad's not there to pick her up? What if on her 10th birthday her present is your funeral? What are you going to do then? Think of her and Sarah." Lennox opened his mouth to retort but he was at a loss for words. Ironhide pushed him towards the command centers door, "If you won't think about them, then I will....please Will." Lennox was taken aback at Ironhide's pleading tone, following the man with his eyes as he turned the corner and disappeared into the next hall. Lennox shook his head, rubbing at his face tiredly. 

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