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Drift smoothed down his fitted suit with a sigh, rolling his eyes at the soldier's teasing look as he helped him fix his tie. Lennox smirked, patting the fabric of his suit and stepping back to admire his work with a satisfied grin, "Don't be nervous." Drift nodded his thanks, tugging the tie loose since Lennox had made the collar a little too high for his liking, "I'm not nervous." He adjusted his cuffs before glancing at the rest of the group watching him from the common area. When everyone had become obsessed with his relationship with Rose he did not know, but the entire base was awake, waiting for Rose to join Drift for their date tonight. Not only had he prepped a suit but his alt-mode had gone through a needed deep clean and sat gleaming in the middle of the base, engine idling softly to ease his nerves. It wasn't their first date but after a serious talk about commitment and a lot of time away from each other because of their duties, it'd be the first one in a while. Ratchet joined his mate in the common area, sending a warning look at Drift while Optimus countered it with a reassuring smile, tugging his mate's attention away from the sports car with a chuckle. Drift shook his head, watching the crowd grow as the base clock edged closer to their agreed meeting time. Rose and Misty had disappeared down the hall with the promise of returning on time for their date; no doubt showing out like she always did. The door to the private hab-suit soldier quarters opened, and Epps and Mitsy joined the rest of the group waiting for Rose's arrival. Mitsy winked at him while Epps eyed Drift, "You're a lucky fucker Drift." Drift rolled his eyes at the comment but Rose's voice stopped him, "No, I'm the lucky one." A resounding gasp went up among the bystanders. Standing confidently just outside the private doors was Rose in all her glory. She'd curled her hair and it ran neatly down her shoulders, joining a lush black body con dress that hugged Rose's every curve and muscle. A simple necklace replaced her usual dog tags and comfortable red bottom heels completed the look. Rose smiled at Drift, looking over his entire frame with sharp eyes, "You look so handsome my knight." Drift looked over her own form in barely contained awe, before reaching his hands out, taking Rose's into his and pulling her close to him, "You are absolutely stunning my blossom." Rose's smile warmed and she gripped onto the crook of his elbow, tilting her head to his alt-mode, "Shall we?" Drift sent her a loving look before leading her to his alt-mode, opening the door, and helping her into his back plush seats, before walking calmly to the driver's side, trying and failing to keep his elated EM field contained. Crosshairs snorted at the love-struck expression on his friend's face, sending him a thumbs up as Drift closed the door behind him. The sports car's engine roared to attention before the couple peeled out of the hangar bay doors, leaving behind the rest of the group to gossip among themselves. Crosshairs glanced at Ironhide with a knowing smirk, "Oh they're fragging tonight." Ironhide huffed out a laugh, much to Ratchet's protest. Optimus silenced the two with a nonplussed look, "What they choose to do is not our concern." Ironhide faked agreement before turning back to Crosshairs, announcing loudly, "I bet ya, they're at it right now." 

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