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Keeping Rose's surprise retirement party a secret was the hard part, planning the event was as easy as anything. Lennox must have had twenty heart attacks in the past week trying to keep everything under control and the loose lips of some of the soldiers plus the Autobots were making it ten times more difficult. He shook his head in annoyance as Epps tripped over Smith as they laid the final details on the main deck. Rose was supposed to be here any minute now, previously distracted by an outing with her creators. A knock at the hanger door sent Lennox into a slight panic as he surveyed the room quickly, making sure everyone and everything was in place. 

The entire base had been acting strange for weeks. Rose waited patiently as Optimus knocked on the hangar bay doors, the sound echoing throughout the seemingly empty hall. Ratchet was at her side, his foot tapping the ground impatiently as they waited for someone to answer and let them in. Their outing had been relaxing, to say the least, and now, after hours on a Friday, Rose was ready to sink into her bed and prepare for her retirement. She wasn't hosting a party since those were never her strong soot and even without Decepticons to mess up a perfect day, Rose was still hesitant to hold anything extravagant. Ratchet glanced her way with a small smile, interrupting her train of thought. As Rose was about to return the sentiment, Ironhide, in his holo-form, pulled open the bay doors with a smirk. The base behind him was pitch black and it seemed everyone had retired early to their hab-suits. He motioned them in with a quick nod and closed the door behind them, letting the darkness wash over them. At once the base lights flooded all around them, momentarily blinding her party. A resounding cheer went up, meeting Rose's ears as her eyes finally adjusted to the lighting change. The entire base, representatives from the Marine Corps, medical school colleges, family from Griffen Rock (and the Rescue Bots), and others crowded around her as they shouted their congratulations. Rose momentarily stunned, greeted everyone with mute acceptance. Lennox sidled up to her from the back of the crowd, a glass of bubbly champagne extended in her direction while his own was raised in salute, "I call a toast to the best CO the world has ever had! To Rose!!" The room erupted in cheers, toasting her as she hastily took her own glass to join. Rose smiled as she met the eyes of friends and family she hadn't seen in years, many of which she would be reconnecting with tonight after a couple of rounds. Lennox bumped her shoulder jovially, Sarah and Anabelle appearing at his side, "Never seen you look so flustered before, Rose." Rose rolled her eyes, "I didn't expect this." Lennox breathed a sigh of relief, before taking a long sip from his glass, "Good, keeping it a secret was painful." Rose smirked, "Now you understand." Lennox rubbed his face, a light blush filling his cheeks; maybe he'd been drinking more than just champagne, "I still can't believe you're retiring now. What's it been 30 years? I'm gonna miss this." Rose nodded softly, "Almost, my contract ends on the 30th day of my enlistment with N.E.S.T...I'm gonna miss it too." Lennox rubbed at his chest with a sigh, his voice dipping to a worried whisper, "You really think I can do this? Lead this bunch of assholes?" Rose nodded confidently, "You've done more than enough to earn it and prove that you're capable. Don't sweat it, I'll be around if you need help...always." Lennox clasped her hand in a firm handshake with a smile and let himself be pulled away so the rest of the guests could swarm her again. A representative from the Marine Corps tugged her to his side with a smile; Brigader General Hapton, an old friend of Rose's from her enlistment, "You did a damn good job here Rose. I'll fucking toast to you any day." He tipped his glass in her direction again before his mood sobered, "After the rounds, we'll do your actually official statements and then..." he leaned in closer with a look at Lennox in the distance, "...he doesn't know it yet but we're promoting him too." Rose smiled warmly, pride shining brightly in her eyes, "Use my ranks. Let me pin him too while you're at it...maybe he'll even cry." She finished her statement with an amused chuckle, B.G. Hapton joining in at her obvious approval. He nodded his agreement before moving off again, most likely to round up his representative party for the official part of the ceremony. Rose was ambushed by a soft hug from her younger brother, Cody; who was almost as tall as her now. He had the largest smile on his face as he pulled away, the rest of their family behind him, "Congratulations Rose!" Rose smiled, "Thanks Codes! Glad you could make it!" Cody's smile widened even more, before Dani, their sister elbowed him aside to greet her, "Stop hogging her all to yourself!." She pulled Rose into another hug, with sudden tears in her eyes, "I can't believe it! I'm so happy for you! You better come to visit now!" Rose softened, "Of course, I will!" Dani stepped back to allow the rest of their family to congratulate her, her dad even shedding a few tears with pride. The Rescue Bots came after enthusiastically, each celebrating her in their own way. Soon they were replaced by some of her N.E.S.T soldiers and their Autobot companions. Ironhide gave her a complementary pat to the back (which almost knocked her over), Ultra Magnus showed her a rare smile, Bumblebee a bone-crushing hug, Acree a nod, Bulkhead a half-nervous, half-excited hug, Wheeljack some drunken words of praise, Drift a loving kiss (followed by the gagging of his pupils), Smokescreen an excited mumble of words, and Epps/Smith/West/Fraizer/Mitsy all smashing her into a group hug. She parted from the group with a relaxed smile, enjoying being surrounded by her family and friends. Ratchet and Optimus followed close behind, each praising her with special words and tugs from their bonds. After a while of socializing a distant clinking of silverware to glass could be heard over the roar of chatter. The room eventually quieted down to reveal the Marine Corps Representatives, standing on a raised stage, eyeing the crowd for their attention. B.G. Hapton set his glass down with a quick look at Rose, "Freinds and family...would you please join me in another round of applause for Rose!" The room once again shook with cheers and shouts, the loudest from her soldiers. The noise died down again at Hapton's will and he turned to beckon Rose to the stage, "Rose, would you please join me on stage to receive your statements." Rose confidently approached the stage, climbing up the stairs and stopping to face B.G. Hapton. Hapton smiled at her, motioning to another officer who handed him a small silver box and a gold-bordered certificate, "Can I please see Rose's parents? All of you." He trailed off humorously as Charlie, Optimus, and Ratchet joined them on the stage. He measured the crowd again before turning his attention to Rose, projecting his voice, "On behalf of the United States Marine Corps I would like to congratulate you on your retirement and all of the accomplishments you have received through your service...for those who don't know, Rose served in the United States Marine Corps straight out of high school where she enlisted into the Navy's Corpsmen Joint Program and achieved her Doctorate in Feild Grade Medicine. She was transferred to Quantico two days after her graduation and changed her OCS to Leadership and Strategy where she become the top of her class and completed her training with records still standing." He paused with a smile at the crowd, "Rose became the highest achieving Mustang (where an enlisted member goes to officer) the Marine Corps has seen in some time...she was rerouted to train a high-powered defense group against the former Decepticons in partnership with the Autobots and we couldn't be more proud to call her one of our own...I know I've said it enough, but thank you for your service, and congratulations on your retirement. In consideration of your actions the United State Marine Corps Commandant General Berger thought it fitting to present you with one final award..." He trailed off, opening the silver case to show off a pair of three shining stars, Lt. General ranks, backed by plush velvet lining. Rose's mouth involuntarily formed a small "o" as she stared at him in shock, this was a huge honor. Optimus and Ratchet stepped forward on her right, while Charlie stood to her left, both waiting to receive the ranks to pin on her collar. Hapton smirked at her obvious surprise, whispering to her, "Face the front Lt.'ve earned it." He passed the ranks to her creators as she faced the crowd, trying to keep her heart at bay. Optimus and Ratchet pined their rank on her first, murmuring congratulations into her ear with proud and sweet links through their bond, Rose returning them fiercely. Charlie pinned hers to her collar with much slower care, his hands shaking slightly. He stared at her eyes, smiling through tears that were starting to burn at the corner of his eyes again. Rose stared back, trying to keep her emotions from throwing her straight into a crying fit. Her creators stood back and Rose turned to face Hapton once more, her old Lt. Colonel ranks clutched in her hand. Hapton raised his hand, saluting with pride, which Rose returned rather sheepishly (she was now higher ranked than him). They both dropped their salutes and Hapton addressed the crowd once more, which had been in a silent shock since her appointment, "I know she will wear these ranks in retirement well...I present you Lt. General Elizabeth Rose Burns." Hapton placed her retirement certificate into her hands, which also hosted her new rank, as the crowd erupted into cheers, shaking the base. Hapton dismissed her creators, motioning to Rose to set her certificate on the nearby table with a wink. Rose set it down gently before standing off to one side of the stage, excited for the next part of the ceremony. Hapton cleared his throat, waiting as the last cheers died down, "As a tradition, the new chain of command will be named to fill those posts missing soldiers. As your CO retires it is only fair to promote the next capable in command...Major Lennox, please join me on the stage." The crowd politely held their applause as Lennox passed his daughter off to his wife, confidently mounting the stage. Lennox stood in the spot Rose had previously occupied, fidgeting slightly. Rose came to stand at his side, rubbing her old ranks with a pang in her heart; she'd worn those ranks for so long. Lennox caught her eye and she smiled at him measuredly. Hapton smiled in his direction, "I will now announce your new chain of command, please hold your applause till the end...Major Lennox will now be your new CO, Captain Robert Epps will be the new XO, Sergeant Major Layne Smith your new Sergeant Major, Gunnery Sergeant Damian West your S-1, Gunnery Sergeant Alex Bronx your S-2, Gunnery Sergeant Nick Fraizer your S-3 and new recruit Staff Sergeant Philip Johnson your new S-4. You may now applaud!" The deck filled with applause as the staff celebrated their achievements and positions. After they quieted down Hapton continued, "A special promotion will go to your presenting Lt. Colonel William Lennox, his ranks will be presented using Rose's old ranks and pinned by herself." Lennox quivered silently as Rose pined her old ranks onto his collar with care, her eyes shining brightly at him as she showed her CO her pride. She took a step back as soon as she was finished and listened to the last of the cheers swallow her whole; she was finally content. 

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