Chapter 2: Brownie boy

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'You'll eventually call me Sunbae one day'

Jeongin's words echoed in Chaewon's head and her lips curved into a smile, she knew he wouldn't hug her. Matter of fact he avoided any physical contact with anybody.

It was the last class before lunch break and Felix couldn't wait, he had been ranting to Seungmin about how hungry he was ever since he stepped a foot into the school's gate.

"I'm gonna be honest with you," Seungmin adjusted in his seat, searching for the comfort he had lost. "I really don't care how hungry you are," he uttered, his eyes fixed on his book.

"You don't have to care, you just have to listen," Felix responded, unbothered by Seungmin's comment.

"Truth be told, I wasn't listening, you just said hungry a lot of times and I accidentally heard it."

"Well, I wanted to share my brownies but not anymore."

Seungmin still didn't pay attention to Felix. "Cool, I don't trust your brownies anyways," he muttered, finally casting Felix a glance.

"Yeah!" Chaewon who has been listening, budded in. "Last time Jisung had it, he started tweaking."

"That's not so bad," Felix shrugged.

"On his underwear??" Chaewon's brows knitted.

"Still not bad enough, we all know Jisung is a crackhead," Felix put out, his shoulders slightly raised.

"And he was screaming 'Felix, best Brownie boy' ?"

"It could be worse."

"At 9pm, on the street."

"In my defense, that street was empty," Felix smiled, trying to get out of the situation.

Seungmin casted him another look, he opened his mouth to say something but hesitated.

"Don't worry my brownies are perfectly safe"


It was lunch break and most students were already in the cafeteria, rumbling about random and not so random things.

"I'M HUNGRY!" Changbin wailed repeatedly, he sat beside Minho who just ignored him.

"The logical thing to do when you're hungry is eat, no?" Hyunjin mused, opening a bag of cheetos. "I mean it just makes sense."

"Chaewon and Chan aren't back yet," Changbin whined, throwing his head back. "Chae is paying for my lunch."

"Why didn't you buy it yourself?" Minho cocked a brow at the relaxed Changbin.

"Because. . ." Changbin's sentence was cut short when Chaewon called.

"Changbin Sunbae, here's your lunch."

The others at the table were all surprised why she'd buy lunch for him.

"Where's the meat?" Changbin noticed his food was without any meat. "Where's the meat?" He asked again.

"Its no meat Monday, remember?" She retorted, sitting next to Hyunjin.

Changbin shrugged and started eating.

"Why'd you buy lunch for him?" Hyunjin asked quietly, almost in a whisper.

"I lost a bet," Chaewon shrugged nonchalantly, taking Hyunjin's cheetos for herself. "Who could talk faster."

Hyunjin took his cheetos back, making a face in realization. "That one's on you though."

Jeongin and Felix walked in, Felix forcing Jeongin to try his freshly baked brownies. "No thank you Felix hyung, I'm full from breakfast," The younger refused, bowing his head.

"Why does no one want my brownie?" Felix growled, huffing his cheeks.

Jeongin sat in between Hyunjin and Chaewon, she immediately placed her arm around his shoulder and he flinched, pushing her arm off. "Stop touching me."

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So far so bad
Sorry, I lack confidence
Not to bore you with my silly sob story

Anyways hi, how are?
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