Chapter 5: Jealous?

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    Chaewon felt odd, there was this warm feeling tingling inside her and her cheeks hurts from blushing. Jisung haven't stop teasing her, occasionally pinching her cheeks.

"Stop,  it's not cause of Jeongin!" she slapped his fingers off, huffing with a pout. It was normal right? People blush when they're being teased not cause they like the person?

One thing was clear to her, whatever she felt for Jeongin was purely platonic and teasing him was fun cause she loves his smile.

"Sureeee," Jisung dragged, crossing his hands behind his head. Chaewon frowned, pushing him away.

"I was embarrassed," she bit her lower lip, her eyes wandering around the scanty hallway.

"No, you're embarrassing," None other than dandy boy interjected their conversation, clutching his book to his chest.

Chaewon stretched, smacking his nape. "Stop being mean to me!" She pouted. Her five foot three (5'3) ass wasn't helping compared to his five foot ten (5'10)

"Being mean is how he shows his love," Jisung smirked, wiggling his eye brows. Seungmin glared at him.

"Ew! I don't love Chaewon," Seungmin commented archly, moving away from them.

Chaewon followed him, hugging his arms as she cooed. "Aww, I know you love me, want a kiss, mwah!" she stretched, blowing kisses at the cringing male.

Jisung was chuckling before it became a full fledge laughter when they heard someone clearing their throat. "Chae stop flirting, our class is about start," Jeongin deadpanned, leaning on the door frame.

Chaewon nodded, running towards him. "Let's go," she smiled, reaching for his hands which he swatted away.

The less concerned boy and the pouty girl walked into their next class.

"Was it just me or was that kid jealous?" Jisung looked at Seungmin and prodded, pointing at the class.

Seungmin shrugged Jisung's arm off his shoulder and scoffed. "I don't know."


"So I've been thinking," Chan announced, sitting between Minho and Changbin. "How about we go somewhere this weekend?" He proposed, looking at their faces for any reaction.

"Cool, cool, cool, we've been working hard all month," Felix effused, clapping his hands.

The others started ranting about where they'd like to go, beaming about it. "Let's go to the movies."

"That's boring Chae, let's go somewhere exciting," Jisung shut down her idea.

Their noise filled the cafeteria, grabbing the attention of other students.

"Guys clam down!" Chan waved his hand.

"A fair, a fair, we could go on different rides and play various game and more" Felix suggested, drumming on the table.

"Rides makes me dizzy," Chaewon held her stomach, feeling sick.

"For that, I vote fair," Seungmin raised a hand up, grinning.

"Same, I love seeing people look sick," Minho put out.

"Wait, ain't you scared of heights?" Changbin furrowed his brows, querying the taller male.

"BAHAHAHAH, he forgot that, I can't stop laughing," Hyunjin laughed, clapping his hands.

"So all in favor for fair say aye!" Chan snapped his fingers.








"I hate you guys."

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Don't we all love when this happens?

Anyways hi, how are you?
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