Chapter 7: Rollover

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      "When are we gonna get there?" Felix lilted, looking out the window, gazing at everything in their path.

"For the three hundred and seventy sixth time, we'll soon be there," Chan gripped the steering wheel tighter, agitated for having to answer the same question so many times.

"If it was that much number of times, we'd be there by now," Seungmin sassed, half asleep. His head lowly sliding off Felix's shoulder.

"I can't even exaggerate in peace!" Chan muttered under his breath, focusing on the road.

The trio sitting at the back were all asleep. Hyunjin arms were crossed, resting on the headrest of the seat in front, his head placed on his arms, while Chaewon rested her head on his back. Jeongin's head was lying on the window.

Changbin was in the passenger's seat, trying to find a suitable song to play.

Minho was playing a game while Jisung watched, distracting him by saying random things. "If the sun gives us vitamin D what does the moon gives? Vitamin M?"

"Han, stop saying stupid things," Minho snapped, shrugging him off his shoulder.

"I'm pretty sure it gives Vitamin D too, since its illuminated by the sun?" Chan replied, tapping his fingers on the wheel.

"Guess who has been paying attention in class," Changbin hooted, smirking a bit.

"Definitely not jisung" Seungmin remarked, finally being fully awake.

"Yah! I know the sun travels to the earth and back in Twenty four hours!" Jisung protested.

"Rip physics," Felix shook his head in dismay.

"Why is the back so quiet?" Changbin asked, looking through the review mirror.

"They're sleeping," Jisung confirmed after checking behind him.

Minho scoffed, still focusing on his games. "Makes me wonder-"

"Don't even complete that sentence," Chan cut him off, glaring at his cheeky expression. Chan lost focus making the truck to screech.

The passengers swayed towards all direction, yelling for their lives.

"Chan, I swear if I die-"

"I'm too cute to die-"

"Death, finally!"

"What happened? I swear I thought it was a rollover," Hyunjin's eyes shot open, he panted, looking around before going back to sleep.

Chaewon sighed, resting her tired head on Jeongin's shoulder, but this time he didn't shrug her off. Maybe he was too sleepy too? Or maybe too startled to?


"Finally!" Changbin yawned, stretching his limps. They were now at the fair and he was the first to step out, loudly moaning as he stretched.

"I thought we'd never get here," Seungmin yawned, he stepped out of the truck with Felix joining him.

"I hope Jisung gets missing," Minho sneered, pushing the said boy off him.

"Hey! Kids get up!" Chan tapped on the window, waking up the sleepy bunch.

"Chae, get up" Jeongin shook her. Chaewon lifted her head up making their noses to almost touch.

She immediately jolted back in alarm. "We're there already?" Chaewon asked, averting her eyes from him.

"We were going somewhere?" Hyunjin wore a vague expression looking at the fair entrance.

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