Chapter 19: Its not working

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   "I don't think it's working."

Seungmin looked at the girl who had her head laid down, wailing hopelessly.

"He for real doesn't like me," Chaewon continued to whine, her voice muffled. She raised her head to meet Seungmin's gaze. "Thanks for your help though," The female forced a smile.

"How dumb are you?" Seungmin rolled his eyes, his lips curving into a smile.

Chaewon frowned at his question, silently walking towards her home.
The two had just left the café not too far from their houses, engaging in random conversations.

The quiet street was dimly lit by the lamppost, and the little light of the moon that was beginning to take it's place on the evening sky.

"Of course its working, any moment now Jeongin is gonna come to you," Seungmin articulated with little to no enthusiasm, the wind messing with his brown hair and a serious look on his face.

"How are you so sure?" Chaewon looked up at him, irking a brow as she waited for a reply.

"Because unlike you, I'm not dumb."

"You're so mean to me," the ravenette whined, glaring at the grinning male with a poker face. She stop right in front on her house, eyeing the white door.

Seungmin, whose house was a couple other houses away, paused. "See you at school?"

"Sure! And thanks for the treat and helping me study," Chaewon smiled brightly, rushing towards Seungmin, engulfing him in a hug.

"Okay, whatever, now get lost," the brunette patted her back, inhaling deeply to slow down his racing heart.


Jeongin hated it, he hated it when Seungmin ruffles Chaewon's hair. For some reason he wanted to be the one who does that.

He muttered under his breath. It was his fault, he had the chance but missed it.

"How did it go yesterday? What did Chaewon say?"

Fishing Jeongin out of his thoughts was Chan, who stood behind him, waiting for him to respond.

"I haven't told her yet," The black haired guy slammed his locker shut turning to the older. "But I will, soon," He smiled to make it seem believable to Chan, who nodded in approval.

"Innie, you were angry yesterday, what happened?" Felix rushed in, squeezing the poor guy in a tight hug.

"Nothing Hyung," Jeongin manage to press out, wiggling to break free from the younger Australian's grasp.

"Felix, you're gonna kill him," Chan yelped, breaking the hug, leaving Jeongin panting for air and Felix pouting. "I better head to class, Minho is waiting for me," Chan ruffled the freckled faced boy's hair, before leaving the spot.

"Hyung, can I ask you a question?" Jeongin turned to Felix who was still watching Chan.

The addressed nodded, his signature sunshine grin on. "Sure."

Jeongin fiddled with the hem of his shirt, avoiding eye contact with the older. "Um. . .how do you know if you like someone?" He pressed out, as low as a whisper.

"Oh my gosh Innie, you like someone?" The blonde gasped, invading Jeongin's space.

"No, that's not. . .I me. . ."

"Tell me who, wait don't tell me, lemme guess, is it. . ."

"No, no, no, you're taking this too far!" Jeongin tried to stop the hyper Felix.

Unluckily for him, Hyunjin and Changbin were passing their way and the Australian seized the opportunity to drag them in.

"Jinnie, Binnie, Guess what?"

They both exchanged confused looks before Hyunjin spoke up. "What?"

"No its nothing," Jeongin tried interfering again.

"Innie is crushing on someone."

The younger wished the ground would simply swallow him right now, as his Hyungs starting cooing.

"Why did I ask for help?" He let out a sigh, pressing his back onto the blue locker behind him.

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I just hate when friends does that 😭

Anyways hi, how are you?
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