Chapter 21: I like her

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     Jeongin let out a sigh, tossing his phone away from him, proceeding to bury his face in his green duvet, inaudible muttering escaping his pressed lips.

"Jeongin, come down for dinner!"

Snapping him out of his thoughts was his sister's voice, who was forced to call him downstairs.

Slowly raising his head up, Jeongin retorted rather louder than he intended as he had used his last strength to voice out. "I'M COMING!"

"Don't yell at me, you!" Came his sister's annoyed voice, followed by a series of not so pleasant comments.

The black haired male ruffled his hair, using the other hand to pick up his phone, opening his chat with Chaewon.

Chae <3
> Hi
> I can't sleep

Sounds like a you problem <

> Hey
> wanna hear a joke?

No, go to bed <

> please?
Seen 12 march

Hi, I'm sorry|
Hi, I'm s|
Hi, I|

Jeongin grunted, letting his phone fall off his fingers, no matter how many time he tried he just couldn't send the massage.

"Jeongin, you have five seconds to come downstairs!" This time, his sister was fuming, her angry footsteps getting louder as she approached his room. "Five! Four! Thr-"

"I'm out," Startling her was the opening of Jeongin's door, a rather beat looking male walking out of his room.

"What happened? You look like shit," The female inquired, giving him a skeptical look, her arms crossed.


"You know what? I don't care!" She cut him off, grabbing a fist full of his black hair, making Jeongin whine in pain, tilting his head. "Why didn't you come down sooner?"

Ignoring all his excuses, she pulled him downstairs, a wincing Jeongin trailing behind.


"I just can't."

Chan released a sigh, he placed both his hands on the younger's shoulders, turning him to meet his concerned gaze, his black hair falling carelessly on his sweaty forehead, some strands sticking.

"Why?" His voice was soft and held so much worry. All papa Chan wanted was for this matter to be resolved, but for some unnecessary reason it seems to be stretching more than it should.

"I'm scared," Jeongin croaked, making Minho, who was impatiently waiting for Chan, to laugh.

Chan casted him a glare, before averting his attention back to Jeongin. "Why? Why are you scared my child?"

The sound of Minho face palming interrupted the silence.

"What if she doesn't accept my apology?" Jeongin fiddled with the hem of his shirt, his breath hitching in his throat, waiting for Chan to at least say something.

"How are you so sure?"

"Can this be any slower?" Irking a brow, Minho snapped, pressing his head against the blue locker. "We're gonna be late for practice."

"You can go without me," Articulated Chan, using his head to point towards the field's direction.

"No!" Minho lifted both hands in the air, a smirk invading his lips. "This is fun to watch."

Slightly offended with the comment, Jeongin bit on his lip, sighing. "I'm sure cause, she looks happy with Seungmin and I've hurt her feelings."

Another laugh was heard from Minho, clearly enjoying the father son conversation.

"Why does she being happy around Seungmin matter?" Perplexed, Chan queried, getting really tired of this endless circle of questions.

"Cause, I like her!"

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