Chapter 16: Deal

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    Seungmin's eyes were fixed on Chaewon as she laughed, hitting the table repeatedly. Subconsciously, a scowl occupied his face, and he hit the table to gain her attention.

"What's so funny?"

"W..wait, you're not joking?" Chaewon looked at the male opposite her, whose brows were arched, and a displeased look rested on his face.

The latter didn't give her a response, just a serious look that made her gulp.

"If you don't want my help you can easily say so," Seungmin once again focused on his book, randomly flipping through the pages. "Why don't you ask Han for help? Or Felix, I bet those loud mouths would blurt out your little secret."

"Why do you want to help?" The ravenette tilted her head to side, a questioning look on her pale face.

"You asked," the older shot at her. "And so you and Jeongin figure yourself out and finally leave me alone."

Chaewon scoffed, looking away from Seungmin. "I'm not that desperate."


"Its about time you guys showed up," Chan frowned at Seungmin and Chaewon, who, after a while finally came to the cafeteria.

"Uh. . .we were studying," Chaewon trailed off, letting go of Seungmin's hand, which she had been holding ever since they walked out of the library.

Off course seeing her hold hands with Seungmin didn't surprise their friends, as it was well known to them that she's always clingy with people.

Seungmin gave her hair a quick ruffle before sitting next to her.

"Chaewon? And studying? That doesn't sound right," Jisung shrugged off what happened between Seungmin and Chaewon, pointing his chopsticks at her.

"Yah! I was with Seungmin, of course I'd study," she told off, taking his food away from him.

The rest simply rolled their eyes as they started bickering.


Chaewon slammed her locker shut, turning to the guy who was leaning on the locker next to hers.

She shoved her books into her bag before hanging it, an awkward sigh escaping her lips. "Seungmin-"

"Don't worry, I don't mind doing it, beside you're clingy it won't be any different," Seungmin pushed himself off the locker, facing the shorter female, an unreadable look on his face.

Chaewon hummed, looking around as she nodded her head. Seungmin is right, it won't be any different.

"Fine," She beamed, engulfing the grumpy male in a tight hug, which was interrupted with someone cleared their throat.

"If you keep hugging like this, people are gonna think that you're in a relationship," Chan stood arm crossed, looking as Chaewon slowly let go of Seungmin.

"And what's so bad about that?" She smiled, walking over to Chan and Jisung.

"You're over Jeongin already?"

"Huh?" Jeongin who just appeared with Felix, paused, looking at Jisung who had just asked the question.

"She liked Jeongin? Woah, that's amazing," Felix beamed, his blonde hair falling over his eyes.

Chan snorted, a soft laugh escaping him.

"No, no, you guys are jumping to conclusions," Chaewon face palmed, she started walking ahead of them, muttering under her breath. Her cheeks went crimson.

Her tiny ranting stopped when she felt a cold hand on her wrist. She looked at Seungmin with wide eyes, her jaws dropping.

"Wait for me, you dwarf."

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Don't worry, this is still a Jeongin fanfic

Anyways hi, how are you?
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