Chapter 3: Father Bang

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"My favourite time of the day," Chaewon smiled, shutting her locker.

"That was too hard, a little softer next time."

Chaewon turned to the owner of the voice, who had told her the same thing time without number. "Yes father Bang."

"And stop calling me that," Chan frowned with a furrowed brow.

Chaewon shook her head. "Stop being a dad."

"Stop skipping sleep."

"Stop killing your hairline."

"What did I ever do to all you?" Chan sighed, it had been their daily routine to flame him.

Jisung and Seungmin met up with Chan and Chaewon. The four of them stayed in the same neighborhood and their parents had entrusted Chan to bring them home safely.

"I heard you almost got fed tissues today," Chaewon started a conversation with her best friend.

"At least he touched my hair while trying," Jisung grinned, ruffling his hair. "That's a win."

Seungmin rolled his eyes, exhaling slowly. "You really are pathetic," he remarked.

"Let the squirrel live, Min," Chaewon used her shoulder to nudge Seungmin.

"Was that sarcasm?" Jisung queried, unable to decide which side she was on.

Chaewon shrugged her shoulders, not giving him a reply. They were closer to the the gate when Jisung saw Jeongin walking with Felix. "Speaking of letting someone live," he wiggled his eyebrows, smirking at Chaewon.

"Were are you heading with this?" Chaewon asked, strutting peacefully. He wasn't talking about Jeongin, right?

"Dumb and dumber," Seungmin said, looking at both friends.

"Be nicer," Chan warned him, hoping that he might at least listen to him.

"Hey Felix Sunbae and Jeongin."

Jeongin turned to Felix exasperatedly. "You call Jisung Sunbae, right?" He question and Felix nodded. "See?" His attention was now on Chaewon.

"Why do you wanna be called Sunbae so badly?" Curious Chan asked with a bemused expression.

Jeongin is always upset when he doesn't get called Sunbae and this question has been on Chan's mind.

"Cause everyone of you get called, except me!"

"Tough luck kid," Seungmin stated, with little to no enthusiasm.

"Guys, Guys, concentrate," Chan tried to get their attention, by snapping his fingers. "Let's just go, she might call you one day," he placed a hand on Jeongin's shoulder.

The latter shook his hand off, chuckling nervously.


Chaewon fell on her bed, stretching her limps, she moaned loudly, shutting her eyes tight.

Thinking she has nothing to do, Chaewon continued lying in bed when Chan's voice rang in her head.

'Like mate, stop procrastinating'

She then remembered the English homework as has been pushing aside that was finally due tomorrow.

Chaewon crawled out of bed all the way to her desk. She opened her book, chewing on her pencil as she read the questions.

This is gonna be a long evening.

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Speaking of procrastination
I gotta sleep

Anyways hi, how are you?
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