Chapter 12: Dear dairy

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  "What were you gonna do, huh? Answer me, what was going through your head?"

The girl who just walked into the restroom froze, staring at Chaewon with scared eyes. Slowly she scooted to the door and ran out.

"What is wrong with me?" Chaewon grunted, pulling her hair, her eyes returning back to the mirror. "Now Mira thinks I'm mad."

She kept on talking to her reflection  on the mirror. A door opened and another girl looked at her fretfully, running out of the girls' restroom.

"Now Jisoo also thinks I'm insane," She sighed exasperatedly, lowering her head.

She had never viewed Jeongin like that before and now this weird feeling keeps spiking in her, starting from the today they're in art class, and it worried her so much, thinking about what the others might say.

Chaewon dried her face after splashing water on it. She looked at her pale face, smirking a bit, "Self therapy," she grinned, tying her hair properly.

Yet again another door opened and as expected another frightened girl ran out. "Maera its not what you think. . .great the whole school now thinks I'm crazy."

Chaewon walked to her locker to grab her book for the next class when a pair of hands covered her eyes, blocking her vision. "Hi Hannie," She said in a monotonous voice, grabbing onto her book.

"How did yo. . ."

"Your Cologne."

"Oh, you like my cologne? You want me to. . ."

"Stop," The shorter female placed her hand his chest, frowning. "I have something to tell you."

"Sure, what is it?" Quokka leaned on the locker, crossing his arms, his eyes boring into Chaewon who looked away, sighing.

"Its important so try not to laugh."

Jisung crossed his fingers, smiling. "I won't."

"Its about Jeongin."

Jisung hooted, pulling her soft cheeks. "About your crush?" He teased the flustered Chaewon.

"What? No," she slapped his hands off. "You know what? Forget it," Chaewon stormed off to her next class.

"I'm sorry," Jisung ran towards her, grabbing her wrist, still snickering from his previous comment.

Chaewon kept whining, refusing to give in. They walked into their next class bickering as usual, which was no surprise to Felix who was already there.


Time ran painfully slow but still managed to reach the end of school hours. The four neighbors walking along side each other, heading home.

The weather wasn't as pleasant as one would expect it. The slightly grey sky had thin grey clouds floating just below it, it was a bit breezy, making the leaves on the trees to dance to its rhythm.

All the way Chaewon kept looking at Seungmin if he'd say anything, zoning out of the conversation she was having with Father bang and Squirrel Han.

Luckily for her he kept quiet, occasionally side eyeing her. They reached her house and ran towards it, waving bye to the two gentlemen and Jisung.

"I'm screwed," Chaewon muttered, slowly sliding down her closed door.

Her mom was out working and her dad was transferred to another city but still paid little visit from time to time.

Chaewon unlocked her drawer, brought out a black book, she opened it to the next free page, scribbling on it

Dear dairy, The odd feelings keeps growing!

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