Extra #2

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      "I got detention."

The whole group looked at Seungmin with vague looks, and then at each other, before bursting into loud laughter.

"Good. . .good joke. . .Seungmin!" Chan croaked in between wheezing, he took several deep breaths to calm himself down. "Now let's go!"

Seungmin dodged the older's hand, a bored look on his face. "I'm serious, some crazy person thought it'd be fun to annoy me during my social studies class."

"Who is that? Chae? Ow!" Jisung winced when his best friend attacked him with a whack on the head.

"Hey, I'm not crazy," she protested, crossing her arms, frowning at the taller's comment.

"Well you annoy Min a lot, but that's not my point," Chan shook his head, he looked at Seungmin and prodded. "Do you know who it was?"

Seungmin shook his head, refusing to spill the information his friends wanted to hear so badly. "I'll be leaving now, don't want to be late."

"Dude-" Jisung got caught off when Seungmin started walking away, muttering incomprehensible rants to himself.

"Two minutes in there and he'll go insane," Chaewon feigned sympathy for the male who just opened the door, watching the detention room with an unreadable expression.

"Poor Seungmin, anyways, who wants ice cream?" Chan queried, making the other two to cheer, calling out flavour they'd like.

Seungmin sighed as he walked in, seating in front of the class. He kept telling himself that this was great, he had time to do his homework, without being interrupted by his siblings knocking on his door every five seconds.

Engrossed on the words written on paper, the brunette barely noticed the door opening and the sluggish footsteps that followed.

"Kim Seungmin, looks like you have company, lucky you!" Seungmin rose his head when he heard the teacher's voice, he blinked a couple of times before looking at whoever just walked in.

And there it was.

The reason why he's here.

Park Ahra.

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Fun fact nobody asked for: I listened to side effect while writing this, bonus point; my head was also hurting

Meori apeuda, I guess?

Anyways hi, how are you?
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