Chapter 9: Time flies

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      "You're still clinging on Seungmin, are you still dizzy?" Felix grew a little concerned. The bunch had just emptied out Chan's wallet on ice cream and were now playing carnival games.

Changbin was busy trying to win a pig plushy on the ring toss, which Hyunjin and Minho watched. Well mainly Hyunjin, Minho was just there to criticize his wrong moves.

"What? can't a girl snuggle the arm of her best bud?" Chaewon teased, grabbing Seungmin's arm tighter.

He flinched, trying to push her off.

"Hey I thought I was your best bud!!" Jisung pointed at himself, yelling.

"Shut it Han, you replace me with Minho every chance you get!"

"This is painful to watch," Chan shook his head. Indeed the poor guy was deeply disappointed but surely not surprised.

"All this fuss over your arm Seungmin," Felix nudged the less concerned guy, who just wanted Chaewon to let go of his arm. "You must be really flustered."

"I'm really not," Seungmin deadpanned. "I just want personal space right now."

Chaewon huffed, letting go off his arm, she walked over and grabbed an unsuspecting boy's arm. "Fine, I'll hold Jeongin's."

"Wow, she really is desperate."


"I can't believe Changbin actually won," Hyunjin mused, he was the one holding the prize, squishing it against his chest.

"Meh, his throws could use some work," Minho scoffed, putting his hand behind his head.

"What game should we play next?" Chaewon asked, looking around for whichever stall that'll catch her  attention.  

"I think that's enough for today," The eldest sighed, gazing at his watch.

"For today? Bro its only. . .FOUR PM??? WHEN DID IT GET THIS LATE???" Hyunjin panicked, his jaws dropping in shock.

The group started making their way to Chan's truck, shrilling about how time had manage to go by so soon. "Is everybody here?" Chan asked, starting the engine. He did a head count just in case.

"That was fun, let's do it again next weekend," Changbin effused, drumming on Chan's headrest. This time Minho was the one sitting on the passenger's seat, randomly changing the channels on the radio.

"Where's the fun if we do it so often?" Seungmin retorted, tiredly resting on Hyunjin who was still panicking about the time.

He had told his dad he was going to hangout with his friends for a little bit, not the whole day.

"Bowling next, that's fun right?" Felix suggested, making he's seat partner to sulk.

"I'm not very good at bowling."

"Who are you kidding Jeongin, you suck at bowling," Chaewon mocked the poor kid, laughing to her heart content.

"Don't act like you're any better" Jisung ruffled her hair, she slapped his hands off, frowning.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," She crossed her arms, looking out the window, watching various object pass by.

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