Chapter 13: Why so pale?

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   All the confusing thoughts faded, all lost in pitch blackness, the sweet sound of silence.

"Wake up,"

The voice kept playing non stop, getting more annoying each time. Chaewon opened her eyes, but immediately shut it tight, unable to adjust to the brightness.

"Wake your lazy ass up,"

"Oh my god, a squirrel!" Chaewon flinched once she opened her eyes again, panting at the sudden fright. "Oh, its just you," she breathed, placing her trembling hand on her chest.

"For the last time,  I'm not a squirrel," Jisung pouted, boring daggers at the sleepy female beside him.

"Quokka, whatever," She yawned, waving her hand in dismissal, her eyes fixed on the trees outside the classroom.

Jisung got up without saying another word, walking towards the door.  The brunette caught up with him, snickering, "Jeez bro, don't get all angry," she nudged his shoulder. "Sunbae."

Jisung huffed at the honorific, knowing full well she only used it to tease him, "I'm not falling for your tricks," The part quokka/ squirrel/ boy carelessly threw his book into his locker, slamming it shut.

It was lunch break and they were heading to the cafeteria, talking about random stuffs, Jisung forgetting he was supposed to be mad.

". . .I'm telling you, it was this big," Felix narrated, grabbing a cartoon of chocolate milk. He froze when he saw the two best friends stroll in, "What took you so long?" Sunshine boy asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"Someone fell asleep in class," Jisung grinned, sliding down a sit next to Minho, who was focused on Changbin and Hyunjin's argument.

Jisung smirked and smugly spoke, "Hey~"

"AAH, A SQUIRREL," Minho yelped, before taking deep breaths to calm himself down when he found out it was only Jisung.

The other's erupting into a fit of laughter, slamming their hands on the table, while Chaewon dramatically flung her hands in the air, chanting, "I told you so."

All her rejoining hitched in her throat when Chan and Jeongin walked in, perplexed about why they were laughing so loud.

She gulped, her eyes focusing on everywhere but the sit next to her, being occupied by Jeongin.

"Why so pale, Chae?" Seungmin gave a half smirk, peering his brown eyes into Chaewon's.

Everyone's attention was now on the fidgety girl.

Crap, now she had to think of an excuse, and quickly. "I'm barely recovering from that insipid class, I just woke up, you know?"

"My class was pretty fun, Mr Cho told a story about how he got scammed into buying a pack of shampoo," Jeongin recalled, grinning at the memory.

"Wait, isn't Mr Cho. . .bald?" Hyunjin gasped, his widen eyes fixed at the distance filled with gossiping students.

The laughter erupted again, even more uncontrollable this time

"Imagine being bald," Minho wheezed, staring at poor old Chan.

Chan's expression dropped, as he chewed slowly, His voice breaking, "For the last time, I have hair."

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