Chapter 8: Rides of terror

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    "That's the highest and fastest ride," Chan pointed at the dazzling ride filled with screaming people.

"Cool, I'm not going on that!" Minho shoved his hands into his pockets, stepping away from the ride.

"Cat daddy is scared," Hyunjin jested, sticking his tongue out. Minho glared at him and he immediately bowed, apologizing to him.

Chan was paying for the tickets while the others where bickering amongst themselves. "Okay so we'll  be paring into a group of three," He paused.

Chaewon and Jisung immediately located themselves, being loud as usual.

"He said three, who's the final person to complete your group?"  Seungmin deadpanned in a flat voice.

Chaewon dragged him towards where she stood. "Thanks for volunteering," she grinned, firmly grabbing his arm.

"No, what the fu-" Seungmin stopped when Chan irked a brow at him. "Can't even swear around this old man."

Chan sighed, turning away from the snickering teenagers. "We're almost the same age."

"I wanna go on whatever team Changbin Hyung is in," Hyunjin crooned. Changbin cracked a smile, blushing at his nice words. "So I can  make him look shorter," Hyunjin completed and Changbin smile immediately disappeared.

"Don't worry, I'll ride with you," Chan placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Great! Now I get to make both my Hyungs look short" Hyunjin voice sounded really thrilled, enjoying every moment of their speechlessness.

"That means I'm left with a sunshine and a storm cloud,"  Jeongin pointed at Felix and Minho.

Felix jumped on his back, squealing with excitement. "That's great Jeongin~ah."

"Everyone happy with their group?"


"Aw, I know you secretly love us, Seungmin. "

"No, not at all."  

They all boarded the ride, waiting for it to start moving. Chaewon, Jisung and Seungmin sat in front. Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin sat at the back, while Minho, Felix and Jeongin sat in the middle.

The ride started off slow but started gaining speed when it got higher. "I'm too cute to die, I'm too cute to die!" Minho kept chanting, squeezing Jeongin and Felix's hands, Hyunjin and Changbin laughing behind him.

The ride made the drop and that's when they all started shouting, except Seungmin.

Chaewon grabbed Seungmin tighter, yelling out of excitement and freight. "Yah! Loosen your grip a bit, I can't breathe." He whined, but it all fell to a deaf ear.

The rides continued in a series of loops, making them scream for their poor lives.

Minho's legs trembled as it made contact with the ground. "Why did we vote for the fair?" His voice trembled.

"Because you wanted Chae to suffer?" Felix retorted, holding him for support.

Despite Minho being scared of height and Chaewon being extremely dizzy, they still went on a variety of rides.

"My throat hurts," Jisung complained.

"Ice cream might cool it down." Chaewon smirked, pointing a stall close to them, still leaning on Seungmin.

"Is that an excuse to have ice cream?" Chan furrowed his brows.

"Maybe," Felix grinned.

They started walking towards the stall, yelling out the flavours they all wanted. "You like chocolate mint right?" Hyunjin nudged Jeongin out of his daze. He quickly averted his eyes from Chaewon and Seungmin, nodding in approval.

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