Extra #5

924 54 17

Requested by Nikki_Stay_00 and TheBookishDane

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          Another Saturday came just like that, but the group had nothing planned this time, leaving the day blank.

Well not for everyone, cause sitting with a serious look on her face, her gaze trained on an opened book and a pencil trapped between her fingers, was an exhausted Chaewon.

She heaved out a sigh, relaxing on the backrest, looking at Jeongin who sat opposite her.

As the days progresses the two hardly ever exchanged words anymore, and she being here was just Felix who pulled both of them regarding the fact that they had an upcoming test.

Which they were hesitant at first cause Felix hardly cares about studying, and when he excused himself saying he had to leave early, the tension between the two pulled down the already awkward atmosphere.

"Its getting late, I think I should leave."

"Can't wait to talk to Moonjin?" lowly, Jeongin mumbled under his breath. Chaewon gave him a questioning look, prodding about what he said, since she didn't quite hear. "Nothing, you may leave."

"I wanna talk to you," Chaewon protested the moment Jeongin started walking towards his door, her arms crossed and a scrawl on her face.


"Cause I want to."

Grudgingly, Jeongin turned to her, trying to hide his smile when he met her pouty face.

"Are you mad at me?"


"I knew it." Chaewon huffed. "Why?"

"Moonjin." Jeongin sneered, which changed to confusion when Chaewon started laughing.

"Wait. . .don't you like him? His nice and funny and. . ."

"And I'm not?" He interjected, pointing at himself.

Chaewon just rolled her eyes, looking away from the taller, a sly smirk growing on her lips. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

"Pfft, no, why would I be?"

"You are, and its cute," the ravenette flicked the tip of his nose, conceding a loud 'ow' from him.

"Okay maybe I am, but that cause he's your ex."

Chaewon instantly went vague, she gave him a questioning look. "What are you talking about?"

"Jisung told me that," Jeongin huffed, crossing his arms.

"And you never bothered to ask me?" Chaewon glowered. "We were just very good friends in middle school."

"Han Jisung," Jeongin muttered under his breath, writing down a mental note to approach the squirrel.

"Aww, come have a hug," She cooed, spreading her arms, a smile on.

Jeongin slowly waddled to her, placing both hands on her cheeks instead, and for the third time in this chapter, she gave him a questioning look.

Chaewon's breath hitched as he slowly leaned in, slowly pressing his lips on hers. Her eyes fluttered shut and she gently kissed back.

It was nothing much, just a light peck, but this made them blush a fine shade of crimson, smiling like idiots at themselves.

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Now, Nikki and Dane, I hope it was okay for me to merge both your requests?

I felt like the plots goes well together.

If it doesn't, I'm sorry.
Have a cake 🎂🔪

Use the knife to fight whoever take the biggest piece.

Just kidding.

Or am I?

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment

Thanks a lot

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