Extra #10

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     "Here!" Jeongin pointed the frozen treat at the whining girl, his lips stretched into a bright beam.

Chaewon just looked at him with fuming eyes, her hands trying to keep the annoying strands of hair away from her face, but that was futile as the wind kept dancing in her hair, disrupting the normal state it once had..

"I'm still mad at you!" She fumed, taking the chocolate chip ice cream away from him, her jaws clenched together, but her sour mood took a sudden turn when she took a lick of the sweet treat. Eyes glistening and a smile on her lips.

"Yeah sure," Jeongin smirked, taking out his phone, shaking the device in front of her. "I have the video!"

"Don't you dare show that to anyone," Chaewon seethed, her sour mood returning once more. "I told you skating is not for me."

"Han said you liked it."

"Han? I only said I'd like to try it, not fucking falling on my butt a bazillion times."

"It was hilarious," Jeongin laughed at the memory, sitting next to her on the bench that faced the river, the timid breeze brushing against both their faces, the mild sun peeked through the thick fluffy cotton cloud, and the indistinct chatter mixed with the birds' songs were just right.

Chaewon scrawled at him.

"I'm sorry, wanna try cycling next time?"

"Nah, I prefer a movie night, I suck at anything on wheels," Chaewon smiled, resting her head on his shoulder, her gaze trained on the far blue horizon.

"I'm also sorry for that cause I only do movie nights with my girlfriend."

The ravenette chuckled lowly. "You have no girlfriend," She stated matter of factly, indulging in her frozen cream of deliciousness.

"Exactly, would you like to be mine?"


★ ° • * . . . : THE END² : . . . * • ° ★

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We made it to the end. . .again.

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I appreciate it a lot.

Anyways, I just published a Changbin fanfic, it would mean so much if you check it out. 🙏

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Allow me to introduce my good friend, bouncer Lee (> •-•)> ⭐💬 he a real tough guy, don't mess with him. He'll be taking your votes and comments.

It was nice (virtually) meeting you all.
Bye 💙

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