Chapter 14: English project

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Pls kindly note that the boldly written words are spoken in English


English class, or may Chaewon say, torture class. Everything the teacher utter seems to fly out the other ear.

The second the bell rang to signal the end of the class, the girl jolted up, packing her things, a grin forming on her thin cherry lips. "And we'll be doing a class project."


The teacher instructed everyone to be on their seats again, as he explained what their project will be. "You'll be paired into a group of two, and your project will be to talk about a particular place and why you like the place."

He spoke in Korean to avoid confusion but later switched to English. "But during your presentation you'll be speaking English."

That's when Chaewon snapped her head to the blonde who wasn't paying attention to whatever the teacher was saying. "Hey Felix, what did he say?"

"Huh?" Felix took his focus away from the pencil he was toying with. "What class is this?"

Chaewon face palmed, before trying to make out what the teacher was saying. Apparently he was pairing them now, writing down the pairs on his book.

"Please, please, please," The ravenette closed her eyes, hoping to be paired with. . .

"Chaewon and Felix."

"YES!" she rose to her feet, engulfing the lost boy in a tight hug. "Did you hear that? Were going to be partners."

"We're gonna be lovers?"

"No," She pulled his cheeks, a little too hard, maybe not a little. "The project."

"What project?" Felix queried, finally putting the pencil down, a perplexed look on his freckled face.

"Don't we all love a useless Australian friend?" Chaewon rolled her eyes, pulling Felix out of his seat. "I'll tell you later, let's go," they hurriedly left the class, pushing some students out of the way.

As Chaewon skipped out of the class, dazed Felix behind her she bumped into someone she has been avoiding all week, her smile faltering. "Hi Jeongin~ah."

"Hey Chae," he lightly waved, his never fading smile beaming as it took its sit on his lips. "Hyung?"

Felix used his free hand to wave back at him, already accepting his fate to be trapped with the clingy Chaewon.

Jeongin noticed Chaewon's grip on Felix's wrist, and tilted his head a bit, irking a brow at them.

Chaewon felt flustered from the eye contact that had for a second and cleared her throat. "Guess what Innie," she grin like a Cheshire, letting go of the Australian's wrist.

"What?" Jeongin murmured in a monotonous voice, hiding his interest in what she was about to say.

Chaewon subconsciously moved closer to him, stretching her hands to lean on his shoulder. "We're doing an English project thingy," she announced, struggling to keep her balance.

"You don't like English class."

"That was English class?" Felix butted in, pointing at the class that was now empty. "Shit, I must had zoned out or something."

"You were never zoned in, anyways," the ravenette shook her head, trying to return to the original topic. "Felix Sunbae is my partner, isn't that great?"

Jeongin's expression dropped as quickly as it escalated, a smug look replacing his cheery one. "Yeah, great."

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Nobody cares but I'm back
Nobody asked but I'm staying
Gosh, its been one month already???

Ah yes! It is beginning

Anyways hi, how are you?
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