Extra #1:

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Third person pov

         "So. . . .?" Felix batted his eyelids, smiling widely about the next set of words he was about to say. The younger gave him a skeptical look, knowing full well that whenever Felix had that expression on, he's gonna say something silly.

"So?" Jeongin repeated his Hyung's word, still paying attention to the teacher, who's monotonous voice revealed how tired she was.

"You. . ." Felix trailed off again, this time wiggling his brows. The black haired narrowed his eyes at him, sighing.

"Me. . .?" Jeongin grew inpatient. What was he about to say now? Ask what class he was in? "Hyung, just say it already."

"Okay Geez, you snappy little Fox."

"Hahaha, so funny," the younger faked laugh, a bored look on his face. "You know what else is funny? Fried chicken."

"No, they're delicious."


"Wow, you're so salty today," Felix beamed, shrugging off Jeongin's grumpiness. He placed his elbow on the table to prob his head up. "You and Chae, huh?"

"Me and Chae, huh?"

"Quit it!" How the tables turned, Felix was now the impatient one, waiting for when the younger would stop playing dumb.

"Quit what?" Perplexed about the current situation, Jeongin tilted his head to the side, all this fox wanted was just a peaceful class, unbeknownst to him the chicken was against that.

"Don't play dumb, you know what I mean!"

"No I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"






"Changbin's titties!"

"What the heck?"

"Lee, Yang, care to explain what's so interesting you had to disrupt my class?" The teacher interrupted, crossing her arms. The entire class had turned to the duo, eyeing them with judgemental looks.

They both kept quiet, looking at their teacher like a deer caught in headlights. "Exactly, nothing! One more interjection equals an hour of detention."

After bowing to the teacher, Jeongin frowned at Felix. "Look what you've cause!"

"You were the one playing dumb," Felix crossed his arms, huffing. His expression soon changed into a smug one again, a smile tugging his pouty lips upwards. "You and Chae did it huh?"

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Look who came crawling back

Baa Dom

I'll be publishing a couple extras,
Which means you can also request whatever you want to see

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment


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