Chapter 20: Driven by jealousy

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     "Guess who's crushing on someone!"

Jeongin's eyes shot up, directly glaring at Felix, begging for him to be quiet. The younger shook his head frantically, to clearly pass his message.

"Hyung, please no!"

Completely ignoring the pleading, Felix grinned and turned to the rest of the group, who had served him their attentions on a silver platter.

"Its Innie," Felix blurted.

"Felix!" Jeongin lowered his head, muttering lowly. The others were mused and in shock, since the younger usually keep his feelings to himself.

"You have a crush? And you told Felix?" Minho sniggered, patting the boy whose head still hung low.

"Jeongin shared his feelings? That's impossible!" Chan mused, looking at Felix who nodded, using his chopstick to play with his food.

"Who is it?"

"Don't bother asking Han, we tried forcing him to talk," Hyunjin rolled his eyes, a pout on his lips. "All we know is that its a person."

"Really? I thought he would be crushing on a mango," Minho sassed, eyeing the younger, who let out a chuckle.

All the raving of the group made Chaewon anxious, her hands were on her thigh as she fiddled her fingers, a forced smile on her lips.

The situation was very much awkward for her too, part of her wanted to know who he was crushing on and the other didn't want to.

"Is it Chaewon?"

That was the question that snapped the ravenette out of her thoughts. Her eyes immediately traced their way to Jeongin, who was staring back at her.

At that moment, time seemed to stop as the cloud of silence only grew larger, making the air thicker. "No!"

Chaewon exhaling sharply, before composing herself, forcing a smile.

"Its definitely not Chae, she's loud and annoying and always clinging on people," Jeongin told off, a smug look on his face.

"Jeongin, that's enough!" Chan firmly gripped his shoulder, adding light pressure on it.

Chaewon stood up, casting him one last glare before leaving the cafeteria.

"Bro? That was too far," Changbin frowned, his voice carrying a hint of anger.

"I'll go talk to her," Seungmin sighed, looking at Chan who was about to go after the younger female.

Jeongin muttered under his breath as the rest of his Hyungs scolded him. Before leaving too.


"Chaewon, don't ignore me."

The order only made the female walk faster, heading to nowhere in particular, she just wanted to be away from people.

"Hey!" Seungmin called, he grabbed her wrist, making the female to halt, taking deep breaths. Before she could react, Seungmin pulled her closer to him, her left cheek resting on his chest.


"Be quiet," The brunette shut the whining girl up, entangling his fingers in her black hair.

"Am I really that annoying?" After a while of comfortable silence, Chaewon looked at Seungmin and queried, her voice a little wobbly.

The female had her arms wrapped around the skinny boy's waist, her eyes glassy and a pout resting on her lips.

"Yes, you are," Retorted Seungmin, chuckling softly at her shocked expressed. Chaewon huffed, placing her cheek back on his chest. "I'm pretty sure this isn't what you want to hear, but-"

Seungmin paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "There is someone who likes you, even though you're very annoying."

"Sunbae!" Chaewon squealed, burying her face in his uniform, a tint of pink invading her cheeks.

Somewhere around the corner, stood a black haired guy who wanted to apologize, but decided against it after overhearing their entire conversation.

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I'm sleepy asl

Anyways hi, how are you?
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