Extra #3

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Requested by Nikki_Stay_00

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     "Do you see anything?" Minho asked, not peeking away from the menu which he thought was a perfect cover to shield him away from those they were spying on.

Jeongin looked ahead, wincing to get a better glimpse of the those they were after. But to his dismay, his bang fell over, disrupting his view. He swatted them away, focusing once more on his primary objective. "Yes. They're ordering right now."

"Well this was a waste of time," Minho yawned, stretching his limps, which he neglected by staying still for too long, as if moving would sell him and his accomplice out.

"Then why'd you agree to come with me?" The black haired prodded, looking away from the duo.

Minho shrugged, toying with the single rose that sat gracefully in a black vase, place in the middle of the table. Searching for an excuse that would suit his usual. "I was bored, and going out was. . .meh?"

Jeongin believed that, his hyung is notorious for being unpredictable. So he focused yet again on the two best friends– who were happily chatting away– fretting that they might get kicked out for being too loud.

Minho also grew curious and craned his neck to their direction. "What is Jisung doing?" He asked the younger.

Who replied without looking up at him. "Comparing hands, wait. . .what?"

"Why would they do that?" Jeongin finally turned to the older, with a questioning expression. "Not that I care?" he spoke rather than a question than an answer.

"She said they were going to have best friends bonding time, not comparing hands time." The younger huffed, crossing his arms, his gaze on the half drunk Americano in front of him.

"Wanna ruin it?" Minho asked, smirking at the younger who was confused at first, but quickly caught onto the evil scheme of the brunette and without a second thought, agreed to it by nodding.

"Hey Sunbae, hi Jeongin, what are you doing here?"

Snapping them away from whatever silent evil meeting they were having, was Chaewon's voice, followed by Jisung's. "Minho Hyung, Hiiii."

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On my way to listen to Wow by 3racha. Jkkjljhdsgjk.

Anyways hi, how are you?
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