Chapter 4: Butterflies

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It was art class and the teacher had instructed the student to paint their fear, yes, one of those teachers who just love gossips.

"So, what are you painting?" Chaewon stretched her neck, trying to look at Jeongin's art. He turned his canvass to the other direction.

"Its none of your business," he sneered, as she kept on pestering him. "Ms Lee is gonna chase you out of her class," He asserted, looking at the teacher who was scolding another student.

"Good, then I don't have to paint this," Chaewon crossed her arms, staring at her blank canvass.

She huffed, placing her cheeks on her hand, blinking. What will people say if they saw what she was about to paint? What if she painted something else?

"You haven't painted anything yet?" The teacher spoke, standing behind the unsuspecting Chaewon.

"Soon" She croaked, shifting on her seat, cracking a small smile.

Ms Lee, scoffed and left. "Hey Jeongin!" Chaewon averted her attention back to the concentrating boy.

"Don't bug me," he waved his hand in dismissal, his brows knitted.

"What should I draw?" Chaewon whispered, looking out for the teacher.

Jeongin narrowed his eyes to her. "How should I know, draw a cockroach, aren't girls afraid of those?"

"Not all, but sure, why not?" Chaewon shrugged, grabbing a paintbrush. She focused all her concentration on her canvass, painting what Jeongin had suggested.

She felt ashamed painting it, but it was better than her actual fear.


"Hey Jeongin, Jeongin!" Chaewon called, running to catch up with him. She panted lightly when she finally caught up. "Thanks for the idea," she smiled, playfully punching Jeongin's shoulder.

"No problem, but no touching," He flinched, with an irritated expression.

"Why don't you like people touching you?" Chaewon pouted, stopping on her track.

"I have my reasons," Jeongin replied, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"You don't like people touching you, I like touching people, we'd make a great pair!"

"How is that possible?"

"Haven't you heard that opposites attracts?"

"I don't believe in that saying."

Chaewon stopped walking and huffed. "Why?" She queried.

"Because, it may work in magnets but not humans, if we're opposites we'd argue and arguments causes. . ."

"Okay, I get it," Chaewon groaned, cutting him off.

"Good," Jeongin gave one of his heart stopping smiles, ruffling her already messy hair. He left without saying another word.

Chaewon stood froze looking at the spot where he had stood, her heart beating at a faster rate than before.

"Yo, Chae!, what's up?" Jisung beamed, walking up to her.

She shook her head out of the daze and smiled at him. "Dude where have you been?" They both started walking to their next class. Jisung wrapping his arm around the shorter girl's shoulders.

"I ran into Minho. . ."

"Say no more," Chaewon smirked.

Jisung exchanged the smirk, before asking. "By the way, why were you blushing in the middle of the hallway?"

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Question to people who has felt this, how does the butterfly in your stomach feel?
Is it even a real thing?

Anyways hi, how are you?
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