Chapter 25: Simp

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  "Guess what!"

Chaewon slammed her locker shut, turning to meet Seungmin's gaze. Her eyes held so much glee and her cheeks were pushed up by a wide smile.

The bell had just rang, signalling the end of the school day. The chattering students making their way out of the school building, either engaging theirselves in random conversations or pranking each other.

"Your dad is coming back tomorrow," Seungmin replied, shouldering his bag as Chaewon did the same. Probably waiting for Chan and Jisung.

"Holy fuck, you remembered!" The ravenette beamed, landing several punches on Seungmin's shoulder.

"Yah! Stop it, you dwarf," Seungmin caught her hands, holding it above her head. "Of course I'd remember."

"My senses are tingling," Chan appeared, followed by an amused Jisung. He placed two fingers on his temple, a smug look on his face. "And they're telling me someone just cussed.

"It was Seungmin," the smaller female rose her hand in surrender, her smile fading.

Seungmin looked at her, then averted his gaze to Chan, who clearly didn't believe her.

"Let's go already, it's getting late."

The group walked out just to be greeted by the warm sunlight that wrapped the surrounding in a blanket of yellow. The Cool breeze tugging their hair.

"Last one outside is Chan's underwear!" Jisung yelled, before sprinting towards the gates, Chaewon trailing behind him, her hands on his collar.

"That's crazy, right Seung. . ." Chan sighed, turning around to look for the said person, who was ahead of him.

"I don't wanna be your underwear," the brunette shot back, a sly smile on his lips.

"My dad is coming back tomorrow," Chaewon effused, informing Jisung, who gasped, shocked by the news.

"No way, that's tomorrow?" A smack was sent directly to his head the moment he said those words, a scowling ravenette behind him.

"Don't tell me you forget?" She frowned, crossing her arms. She turned to Chan who was behind them and yelled. "Channie Sunbae! Han forgot about my dad visiting!"

"What? Your dad is coming? When?"

Chaewon growled at the musing Chan, stomping angrily to Seungmin. "Seungmin remembered." She huffed.

"That's because Seungmin li. . ." Jisung paused when Seungmin glared at him, shaking his head for him to keep quiet.

"Seungmin what?"

"He. . .uh. . .licks his calendar to mark dates."

"Han what the fuck?" The brunette grunted and if looks could kill, Jisung would be dead right now.

Chan was busy laughing to care about Seungmin cussing while Chaewon was quite perplexed but shook it off immediately.

"Still doesn't cover up the fact that both of you forget what I've been raving for weeks."

"We're sorry Chae!" Chan assured the pouting girl, a sincere smile on his lips.

Jisung threw his arm on her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. "Don't pull that face, just remember anytime you feeling down that Minho exist."

"Shut up you simp," The younger snarled at him, breaking free from his grasp.

"Correction: Certified Minho simp!"

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