Chapter 15: Use me

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  "Felix and I started working on our project, its all good but the English part really confuses me, I think it'll be better for him to say everything, I'm probably gonna mess things up for him, you know?"

Seungmin only nodded, a hum followed suit.

Chaewon crossed her arms, pouting. Clearly displeased with his nonchalant reaction.

"Why have you been avoiding Jeongin?"

The ravenette choked on air, averting her gaze from the male who sat opposite her.

She tried composing herself, seeing that they were in the library. "What? I am not!" She firmly stated.

Seungmin rolled his eyes, flipping to the next page of his book, before speaking. "He complains about it to me."

Chaewon eyes widen at his sudden words. She blinked a couple times before grinning. "He talks about me?"

"Yeah, whatever is going on between you two, stop involving me in it, I'm not some sort of diary."

Chaewon giggled at Seungmin's complaint. "But you're a good listener," she put out.

"No, I'm simply ignoring but you guys keep talking," Seungmin frowned, casting her an annoyed look. "Like right now, about the Felix thing."

Chaewon clicked her tongue, looking around the almost empty library, an amused smirk playing on her lips.

"Why are you blushing? You're really strange," Seungmin contorted his face in disgust.

"Minmin, Can I trust you with something?" Shrugging off Seungmin's comment, Chaewon leaned forward and quired.

"Do I have a choice?" The brunette rolled his eyes, taking his focus off the book, now fixing his gaze on Chaewon. "And don't call me that."

"Okay, whatever grump," The smaller female smirked, pushing off his attitude. "I think I like Jeongin~ah, but I'm not sure, what should I do?"

At first, Seungmin was taken aback. Sure he suspected that she likes him but never confirmed those suspicions. "I'm not some sort of love doctor, ew go away."

"Pfft, why are you so mean? Huh?" Chaewon once again frowned, folding her arms.

"I came here to read not give advice, now shut up and let me read in peace."

Chaewon silently nodded, looking at her book that has been open for a while. Even though she tried to read for her up coming test, nothing was really sticking to her.

She puffed her cheeks, slowly exhaling the air trapped in her mouth, her cheeks burning from embarrassment.

Shit! She thought telling Seungmin about this confusing feelings that has been churning in her would help, but his reaction didn't make it any better. In fact, he look angered by the news.

She'd occasionally see the male opposite her stealing glances at her, either rolling his eyes or scoffing.

"Fine, I'll help you."

Slowly, Chaewon's head rose before locking eyes with Seungmin, an excited grinned on her lips.

"You wanna find out if he likes you, right?" Seungmin asked and she nodded. He huffed before continuing. "Make him jealous."

Chaewon let out a loud laugh, that slowly died down when she saw his serious expression. "Wait, for real?"

"If he likes you, he'll get jealous. And maybe trying to get you back," tentatively, Seungmin explained.

Chaewon paused before asking. "How am I gonna do that?"

"Use me."

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Da la ding ding
Welp, nothing to say here dudes

Anyways hi, how are you?
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