Chapter 10: Seatmates

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    Hyunjin sighed loudly, crashing his head on his locker. The girl standing next to him casted him a side glance and slowly moved a way.

"Life sucks," He moaned loudly, hitting his head again. The poor person next to him took another step back, "I feel like a prisoner trapped in a cell and is only allowed to see the sunlight once a month."

"Okay, I can't keep ignoring you," the female frowned, stomping her feet, making from stray hairs to carelessly fall on her face.

"Don't ignore me Chae, I need all the friends I can get, cause I feel like the end is near," The taller male continued to wail, sliding down the lockers until he met the ground.

"I will if you keep being extra," Chaewon groaned as she tried lifting Hyunjin up, "What happened?"

The few students who were around started focusing their attention on them.

"Should I even ask?" Bang Chan's voice startled Chaewon, he was disappointed but not surprised to see her lifting an emo Hyunjin so early in the morning.

The two males behind him looked at themselves and then back at the situation.

"Hyunjin Sunbae has been wailing like a child again," Chaewon let go of him, turning to the three behind her.

"My first period is social studies," Hyunjin stood up tiredly, moaning.  He rested his body on the locker beside him.

Chaewon and Jeongin gasped, shaking their head.

Social studies class, the most boring class to ever exist, the teacher's voice is like a sleeping spell that no one can escape. You're not allowed to look out the window, behind you, beside you, sleep,  if  possible you're not allowed to blink.

"All I can say is good luck," Chan placed a hand on his shoulder, gripping it tighter, shaking Hyunjin repeatedly.

Seungmin was the first to turn around, "I almost feel pity for you," He snickered lowly before leaving.

"Bye Jinnie, please don't die," Chaewon waved, running to meet up with Seungmin and Jeongin.

Jeongin was talking about how he spent all night doing his homework and that he was really sleepy.

"Do I get free lunch if I pretend to care?" Seungmin being a grouch remarked, nonchalantly walking behind them.

"Sometimes I wonder what you gain from being mean," Chaewon frowned, looking at Seungmin who smirked.

Jeongin shrugged, walking into the scanty class, "I know deep down he cares."

Chaewon quickly ran towards the back seat next to the window, claiming it for herself, "Yang, sit with me," she smiled, tapping the space.

Jeongin sighed, looking around the class, "Sure,  just don't be annoying," He sat next to her, making eye contact with the happy girl.

"Me? Annoying? Since when?"

"Trust me, you don't want an answer," Seungmin deadpanned, sitting a seataway from them.

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