Chapter 6: Car Chase

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"Chae honey, your friend is here," Mrs Kim's voice echoed throughout the room. This was her fifth attempt to wake up the sleeping girl.

Chaewon toiled in bed, wrapping herself as she moaned repeatedly. "I'll be up soon," she groaned, pulling the blanket over herself, shielding herself from the sunlight that peered from the open window.

"Okay, but don't keep him waiting for too long," Her mother sighed, exiting the room. Chaewon was never the type to wake up that easily.

"Yah! Get up already!" Came an annoyed voice, violently swiping the blanket off her.

Chaewon cried, trying to reach for the missing blanket. Muttering under her breath for the warm comfort she lost.
"Chan and the other will soon be here."

"Oh my god, stop yelling, your voice is really annoying," Chaewon grunted as she used her elbow to prop herself up.

"Well, good morning to you too!" Jisung fell on her bed, crutching a pillow against his chest. "I can't believe you're not ready yet."

Chaewon's eyes were still shut, trying to adjust to the light. "Its Saturday, I can sleep all day."

"I guess you've forgotten about the fair?"

"What fair? Wait."

"I'm waiting," Jisung paused, smiling at her perplexed face.

"The fair!" Chaewon's eyes finally shut open, she quickly got out of bed, running towards her bathroom but returned to hit Jisung. "Why. Didn't. You. Tell. Me. Earlier."

"That's practically what I've been trying to say," The quokka used a pillow to shield himself from her brutal attacks. "I never get my credits."

Chaewon finally left when they heard Chan's truck honk. "Just tell him I was busy," she ran into the bathroom.

"Yeah, yeah," Jisung scoffed, leaving her room.


"Are you sure she's even up yet?" Minho muttered, throwing his head back, sighing lowly.

Hyunjin looked out the window, searching for any sign of Chaewon. "I'm literally growing roots form sitting for too long," he complained, tapping a foot in anticipation.

"Chae will be down soon," Jisung assured. He averted his gaze to the door and sighed. "I think."

"We can always leave without her? I'm just saying." Seungmin said in a monotonous voice, resting his back. He jerked up when he heard Chaewon's voice.

"Drive so she has to chase us" Changbin chimed, urging Chan to move.

"That wouldn't be nice." Chan shut down the idea, but after some loud persuasion, he finally agreed.

"Do it, so she doesn't waste our time again," Minho grinned, enjoying the sight of Chaewon running and yelling behind them.

"Hey! Channie! Chan!" She panted, waving viscously at the moving car. "Guys!!"

They laughed loudly, waking up the sleeping Jeongin. "What's all the laughs for?" He winced, stretching slowly.

"Guess who finally decided to grace us with his presence!" Hyunjin snarled, taking his focus off Chaewon. Jeongin raised a brow at him, confused.

After a while, Chan finally stopped the truck. "I hate you guys," Chaewon panted, making her way to the back. Plopping herself in between Hyunjin and Jeongin.

The boys started scolding the tired girl, but she chose to ignore the comments. She slid her head down, resting it on Jeongin's shoulder, trying to catch her breath.

"Chae, your head is so heavy," The black haired guy whined, shrugging her off.

Chaewon pouted, now resting on Hyunjin's shoulder.

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