Extra #9

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    "I want it to be simple and cute!"

His Hyungs' eyes literally sparkled, that cat like grin tugged on her lips, pushing their eyes into slits.

"Oh my gosh, Innie, that's adorable!" Felix was the first to speak up, folding his tiny hands into happy fists.

When the younger had asked for help, the trio never expected that he needed that kind of help.

"I'm trying so hard not to run to that table and flip it over," Hyunjin was next to leave the daze, bouncing up and down all giddy, that grin still sticking.

"Jeongin, my man," Jisung threw his hand on the younger's shoulder, pulling his cheek as he cooed.

Jeongin flushed pink, unable to push that embarrassment of him, he tried slapping Jisung's hand away but that didn't work, instead, two other paired of hands joined the brutal attack of pinching his cheeks.

"Yah! Quit it!"

Welp, that didn't work.

When they felt like they had enough, the trio pulled way from him, all humming thoughtful in sync, causing them to snigger at the coincidence.

"Chae is really clingy, so it should be something that requires closeness."

"Yeah, no shit sherlock!"

Jisung pouted at Hyunjin's words, crossing his arms with a huff. Felix and Jeongin just laughed at this, fueling his rage even more.

They basically spent more than half an hour bringing up ideas that were either not good or absolute no no.

Growing more and more exhausted and annoyed of the noise, Jeongin groaned, allowing his fingers to tousle his black hair. His Hyungs had given up and were now talking about that one time Jisung almost got pushed off a rooftop.

"Okay, we came here to help Innie, focus!" Felix pulled their attention back to their original purpose, by snapping his fingers.


"Jisung, I expected you to know what would be suitable!" Hyunjin sounded really disappointed, giving the younger a stern look. "Aren't you her best friend?"

"Exactly, at some point she may had ranting about something related!" Felix budded in.

Jisung brows knitted, a thoughtful look on his face, racking his brain for any related memory. "Aha!" He snapped his fingers. "She did."

The trios' ears perked up at his words, eager to hear what he had to say.

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