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Chan and Felix

"Isn't this the first level of super Mario?" Chan asked with a bit of a smile as the both had read through the rules, now carefully inspecting the scene from the outside of the glass. He had expected a lot before entering this room, but to be hit with this much nostalgia was the last thing he thought of. "What a knock off," he added with a small chuckle. "Super Mario?" Felix asked, doing his best to find anything of it in his memory. "What's that?" Though Chan's eyes widened in disbelief at first, that quickly passed as he remembered Felix's youth was nothing like his own.

"Ah, you were never allowed to play video games were you?" So that's what it was, Felix figured. "I wish I was, but any time not spent on diplomacies or one of my many teachers went straight into cooking classes, something my mom insisted on. She always said that if I ever wanted to become a good husband, that was the least I could do." He was just glad he eventually started to like it at that too. Not only for calming himself down, but for getting rid of the cause of all his problems too. Or well, so he thought.

He remembered the exact moment so well. All the research he did on the most poisonous mushrooms in his area, actually finding the death cap mushroom, and somehow making into one of the most delicious looking creamy mushroom soups. It even smelled good at it too, she could not have known. And so, when she had become ill a few hours later, nobody knew better, after all, Felix and his mother were the only ones who knew of the soup, not even the staff were able to find out. And his oh so innocent mother was now violently throwing up, soon followed up by a coma, ultimately leading up to her death. And yet, as it truly dawned upon him just what he had done, the horror hit him. Especially when his father came in again, a man he up until then respected so much. A well known politician, married with the ceo of one of the biggest companies in the entire company.

So when a drunkard came into the mansion, throwing not only his own dept, but the companies dept on the table all together, he finally realized that he wouldn't be rich. His suffering wasn't at all done. If anything, with his father now forced to take him in, with all the corruption, women coming in and out, and a pressure to be perfect even worse than he had gotten from his mother, his life only went even more downhill. Days went by, until he broke down completely, telling his only friend about all he had done. As long as he could just pay off those debts, he'd finally be free, start all over.

"And well, look how that turned out," Chan said in a teasing manner as he stuck out his tongue, finally making Felix smile. "Like you're so lucky in love. Last time I checked you've never went on a date either mister." One comment, and it was enough to shut Chan up. It wasn't necessarily a weak point of his, but he'd always dreamt of having someone to love, so he'd always felt a little ashamed of it. "Maybe I'll find someone to date after this is over, who knows." Felix rolled his eyes at him, turning the teasing around. "Like you actually know any girls."

"There's Y/N," Chan answered nonchalantly. Not that he saw her in that way, he barely knew her anyways. And yet, having learned of her identity back as a child, he'd always dreamt of finding back the girl he saved, and the girl who got saved falling for the hero. That was how it went in comics and movies anyways. And here she was, hating him completely instead. Felix grew awfully quiet, only confirming Chan's suspicions he had had for a while. "Unless you'd beat me to it," he followed up on. It wasn't hard to see Felix had grown feelings for Y/N, even though he would never admit it to anyone. Chan knew him better than that. He was happy for Felix to finally have someone he seemed to trust again, but the way Felix acted around it was the last thing the group needed right now.

"I think it's best you control the panel, don't you think?" Felix completely deflected the statement, changing to a different topic. It was a habit of his, whenever something confronting came on his path. "Why do you think?" Chan asked, just accepting he wasn't going to get an actual conversation on the topic with Felix. "Well, you obviously have played the game before, so you know how it works. And from the sound of it, if you were able to recognize the level on this small bit alone, shouldn't you know exactly how it goes and where to go or anything? I'd fail in the first second," Felix answered him, already walking up to the door.

"That's a fair point there, but are you sure? It's the most dangerous position out of the two possibilities after all," Chan pointed out again. It would give Chan as good as a free pass, but it was hard enough to know it might affect Felix if he made even one mistake. And yet, with the amount of times he had played that level, he was completely confident in his own skills. He just wanted to be sure Felix agreed. "Yeah, if there's anyone here who not only likes, but is also good at saving others, it's you. I trust you to bring me back in one piece." The both smiled, a little awkwardly, but sure of the decision as Felix had been fastened completely.

"No worries Lix, I'll be sure to get this over quickly."

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