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It was just as easy as Chan remembered. Even the control panel was identical to the joystick he was used to back on his old Nintendo DS. The light version back then, as he had truly seen technology form and grow since being a kid. He had probably played this level about a hundred times, or this game in general. He always felt like a true hero, going up against the big guy to save the princess. Not that it helped with getting rid of the savior complex he had, but who cared. He was just a kid playing a video game, right?

And yet, thanks to this, he remembered every single thing about this level. Every coin, every golden star, every power up, every enemy, anything there was to know about this level, he knew it like the back of his hand. The thrill was already running through his entire body as he started again. How he had missed being able to play. He looked up at the camera, wondering if there were others just like him, who had played this too often. "Won't this get anything like copyright violations though?" Chan chuckled to himself as he sent his focus back to Felix. Though there wasn't anything written in the rules about a hidden achievement for getting it all, it very much so seemed like sir was someone like him who liked to put hidden quests or tricks in his games. If there was any chance of them getting something extra, he'd take it.

And so, as soon as the first powerup came around, he was sure to jump to catch it. Though he did wonder if smashing the blocks would give Felix a headache. As long as it didn't actually give him a wound all would be fine. Given the small smile on Felix's face upon hitting the block, Chan could only assume it was fine. Felix smile quickly grew grim though, as he saw the mushroom coming his way. Flashes of his mother already coming up in his mind, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it now. He had avoided them like the plague, and here he was, helpless.

"Wait, Chan," Felix called out as he already saw it closing in, his arms now reaching out. His eyes now widened as fear took over, shivers sending down his spine. "Don't you think we can skip these?" he close to pleaded at just the sight of it, but no response came from the other side of the glass. Though Felix's mind was already running wild with the flashbacks, Chan had this competitive smirk on his face, focusing on the game itself so much that he completely missed out on Felix's pained expression as his hands now held the mushroom, his own body forcing him to eat it whole. "Chwan!" Felix now shouted tears streaming down his face as his mouth was completely stuffed, but he had no time to even react, or his body was already controlled onto the next jump.

And though Chan had completely lost sight of the feelings of his childhood friend, the game went on as smoothly as he could imagine. All of the blocks that could possibly give him something were smashed, and where Minho and Jisung had taken the quick route, Chan was sure to pick up everything he could. Climbing up the vine, making Felix pick up all the red coins there were, the star coins, going down the tube to get it all, everything he could think of, Felix got. Including the mushrooms. Chan did notice though, Felix did not grow taller instantly, nor did he gain any fire power. And yet Chan was determined to get that hidden object he was so certain of was there.

And with every bite he was forced to take, Felix could feel himself worsen. Was it the trauma that made him feel so nauseaous? Or was there more to it? If he could he would have just thrown up, gagged, anything to get them out of him, but even that wasn't allowed. It even was stated in the rules. "The character must follow the players directions given, if not, the character will be disqualified immediately, and the game will be lost." If he had known this would be a part of it all, he would have never agreed to be the character. Even though then Chan would have a significant lesser chance of survival. Maybe it would have been selfish of him, to rather have a possibility of his friend dying rather than feeling like being at the other end of his own sick act, in his mother's shoes, but now there was no way to turn back anyways.

And though he hopped from one platform to another, as smoothly as can be, his entire mind was clouded with how ill he felt. His vision was slowly blurring, his stomach tossing, turning and twisting, the tears threatening to fall down. His mouth felt dry, and yet the penetrating taste wouldn't leave his mind. Though the smell wasn't nearly as bad, especially the aftertaste was what seemed to kill him about it. And that was when it clicked. The familiar texture, the way it looked.... he had been fed the very thing he used to kill his own mother. Not only did he have to relive his past all over, this time it was him who was going to die, and he knew there was nothing he could do about it.

Though the tears were now streaming down, a smile slowly formed on his face. Ah... was this what karma felt like? He let out a chuckle, the salty tears only adding to the nauseating taste of the mushrooms. The process must have sped up with how much he was forced to eat. Instead of hours, it felt like right now minutes were all he had left. And yet his body was still moving. Felix glanced over at Chan, who was still playing with a bright smile on his face. He had already seen the finish anyways. Maybe he deserves this. Maybe this was only right after all.

And so, as soon as he felt his hands touch the pole, the flag coming down with him, he finally met Chan's gleaming eyes, so proud of himself as the key had popped out of the console. At least Chan made it out, he thought relieved. And it was only then that Chan saw it, saw that something was off. And yet the screaming out of his name, rushing to the glass door, was all for nothing. Felix could already see the floor open up, feeling his body fall through before he closed his eyes.

Maybe in another life, he could have been happy.

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