Team Captain (EO)

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We just won the championship game and I had a hand in doing so. I shot the winning shot at the buzzer. I'm on a the biggest high of my life, and I'm meeting my girlfriend, Scarlett, along with my friends at my best friend Chris's house.  The house is in full party mode and as I walk through the door everyone is cheering for me. I'm walking through the house trying to find my girlfriend.
I see Elizabeth Olsen she's a friend of Scarlett's I walk over to ask if she's seen her. "Hey Liz, have you seen Scarlett?" I ask hopeful. She just shakes her head. I thank her and continue to look.

She isn't anywhere and so I head upstairs to the bedrooms. I check the Chris's room and as I open the door I see my best friend in bed with my girlfriend.
Chris is on top of her and they both look towards the door, "Oh my god..." I say in shock as I turn around closing the door.

Leaving the room heading downstairs I hear Scarlett call after me, "Y/N wait!" I ignore her. I'm trying to push my way through people but everyone is trying to stop me and congratulate me.
"Y/N please stop!" She pleads, as I slip past everyone. Once I'm outside I'm almost to my car when she grabs my hand and I pull away. "What Scarlett!" I yell at her.
"Please! Talk to me." I roll my eyes responding, "What's to talk about? You were fucking my best friend!"
"I didn't mean for it to happen but it just did." She responds in tears.
"How long?"
Nothing, "Scarlett, how long have you been screwing him?!"
"The last 3 months.."
"God damn it, all of basketball season. Why would you do this to me? I love you!" I say trying to keep it together even though I feel like someone just took out my heart.
"I was lonely, Y/N." She tries to reason.
"Y/N" Chris comes running out and I can stop myself I punch him knocking him to the ground.
"Y/N!" Scarlett yells and checks on him.
"We are done Scarlett. You hear me, done!"

I get in my car and look at everyone out seeing the show. Before I put it in drive I see Lizzie standing there looking at me with a sympathetic look and then I put it in drive and speed away. Ignoring the ache in my heart. I never thought I'd be this guy broken hearted losing not only my girlfriend but my best friend all in one.

One month later

It took a long time for the news of Scarlett cheating on me and our very public breakup to blow over. Although she did try to talk to me a lot after the party but I made it clear I never wanted to talk to her again. It wasn't long after that she made her relationship with Chris official.

I'd get pity looks after that and I wasn't used to that sort of attention. Eventually the attention went away and I'd just hang out with the guys from the team. When I'd see Scarlett and Chris together in the hall it would still sting. The bell rang signally the end of the day, and I booked it out of the school. I headed to my car and was about to get in when I heard my name being called. "Y/N!"

I turn around and see Lizzie running towards me. She has checked up on me a couple times since the party. She was one of Scarlett's friends that I actually like in fact there were a few Saturdays I invited her to have lunch and go to the batting cage. I had baseball to get ready for and I taught her how to hit a ball. 

"Lizzie? What's up?" I ask closing my car door leaning against the car.

"Um, I just wanted to check on you. You left our last class so fast and I know it's because Scar and Chris." she stated without beating around the bush.

I looked down at my feet "I'm fine. It's not that I'm hurting about it that much. It just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth."

She stepped closer to me so that I could see the tips of her shoes in between my legs. Her hands coming up to my cheeks making me look up at her. We both look into each others eyes her eyes then dart to my lips. Before I knew it I was crashing my lips to hers and my hands were grabbing her hips pulling her into me. She moved her hands up into my hair and our bodies were crushed together. I could feel myself getting a little excited so  I pulled away quickly, "Shit Lizzie! I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."

"Y/N don't be sorry, I wanted just as much as you." she says with her hand back on my face.

"I thought there was a rule about kissing you're friends ex?" I ask

"She didn't exactly play by the rules about sleeping with her boyfriend's best friend."

"You have a point, so this is about teaching her a lesson?" I ask as my shoulders slump.

"Oh gosh no! I really like you Y/N. I was just stating a fact." She smiles and pulls me into another kiss.

"Lizzie!" says a familiar voice, Scarlett.

We pull apart and drop our hands. "Scarlett." she says with a tone in her voice.

"How could you! He's my ex!" Scarlett yells. "Why do you care! You slept with my best friend!" I say defending her.  Scarlett storms over to me and I move Lizzie to the side. Scarlett's hand slaps me across the face.

"Feel better?" I ask, she just turns away from me walking away from me as Chris follows her.

Lizzie comes back in front of me and puts her hand gently to my cheek. "Are you okay?" I nod "I think you just lost your friend. "She was barely my friend after that night at the party."

I take her hand from my face and kiss her palm. "Well do you want me to give you a ride home?" I ask and she says, "Yes please."

AN: First male reader one shot! Kept it clean on this first one. Let me know what you think.

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