Meeting the Family (EO)

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Requested by @Superflash2255

Lizzie's POV

"Damn it." I spit out trying to cover up the hickey Y/N gave me last night. I could barely feel that he did it because of the other stuff he was doing. I'm already so nervous that I'm finally meeting his mom and two sisters and I'm 11 years older than him, but to top it off I have a hickey. I already yelled at him when I found it before our shower. All he did was shrug and kiss it saying "Mine." It made me smile.

I finally get the thing covered and let my hair down to help cover it. I throw on a pair of ripped jeans with a white crop top that falls off my shoulder. I put my 3 inch heeled boots on and give myself one last look over nodding adjusting my hair once more to hide the makeup covered hickey.

I walk out of the bedroom and Y/N is already to go with his unbuttoned plaid shirt with orange shirt under jeans and with his Jordans. He is reading something on his phone so I just stare at him for a minute.

"Liz! You ready!" He yells out thinking I'm still in the bedroom so I giggle, "Yes."

He looks up quickly and his jaw falls slightly and I walk up to him putting my finger under his chin closing his mouth.

"Careful sweetheart you'll catch flies." I tease and he shakes his head.


I nod feeling the weight of the where we are going again.

On the drive over I'm fiddling with my fingers and the anxiety ring Y/N got me. He reaches over grabbing my hand squeezing it, "It's going to be fine, they will love you just as much as I do."

I smile leaning over to kiss his cheek. He doesn't let go of my hand the rest of the drive and once we get there he lets go of my hand to get out. He opens my door for me and I grab the wine and flowers I bought for his mom.

Y/N just walks in pulling me through the door. "Hello hello!" He yells out and I hear footsteps and she and excited woman pull him into a big hug and I let go of his hand.

He pulls away, "Mom, this is my girlfriend Lizzie. Lizzie this is my mom, Y/M/N."

I reach my hand out, "Oh no come here dear we are a hugging family. It's so nice to finally meet you."

She takes me in her arms and I smile nerves somewhat leaving me. But I still have his sister's to meet. When we pull apart I present the flowers and wine.

"These are for you. Couldn't decide between the two so I got both."

She takes them, "Oh that's so thoughtful Elizabeth. Let's head to the kitchen that's where Y/N's sisters are and we are almost done with dinner."

"Oh please call me Lizzie." I say as she leads us further into the house. Once we come into view Y/N is pulled into hugs. She is so much taller than both his sisters. They are both very beautiful and have all the same eyes similar to me and my siblings.

Introductions go just like his mother's they are so much fun. We have dinner they all poke fun at Y/N since he's the baby.

"Oh when we heard you two were dating I couldn't believe it. Lizzie you wouldn't believe the crush he has on you. He'd just drool over you in that Marvel movie...oh which one was is Y/N?" Y/M/N questions and he is blushing and hiding his face. I put my hand on his thigh laughing but squeezing it so he tells me which one.

"Age of Ultron." He says and I lean over kissing him.

"I think it's cute sweetie." I say and after the teasing dies down I feel like I need to address something.

"Y/M/N? I just want you to know I care a great deal about Y/N, but I want to make sure you are alright with us. You know with me being 11 years older than him." I feel myself getting nervous again but she grabs ahold of my hand on top of the table.

"I won't lie to you Lizzie, I was concerned about the age gap at first. In fact Y/N and I argued about it when y'all first got together. But I see how happy you make him. So as long as he is happy and you both treat each other right that's all I care about."

I smile and let out a sigh of relief. She leans in close and says, "But if he starts acting up you let me know."

I laugh and the sisters giggle at their mom's antics. Y/N just shakes his head as his mom gets up to grab some dessert.

"Y/N!" Y/N's sister whisper yells and smacks his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"A hickey really?" I widen my eyes and didn't realize I flipped my hair covering that side up. I thought I covered it well enough.

"Oh Lizzie don't worry our mom is oblivious to that but I know a makeup covered hickey when I see one. I just can't believe my brother is a 12 year old boy and marks you up like that." Saying as she hits him again.

"What I get carried away and she's mine." He weakly defends and I am so embarrassed moving my hair back over to hide it. His sister rolls her eyes.

The rest of the evening was great, I really feel like part of the family. Once we get home we shower and get ready for bed. While I'm finishing my nightly moisturizer routine Y/N is looking at his phone.

"Look at this babe." He hands me his phone and it's on instagram. It's a picture of me and Y/N his mom took of us today. I read the caption: I got a new daughter today. @LizzieOlssn Welcome to our family. 💜💜

I can feel my eyes tearing up and I hit comment: Thank you 🩷🩷

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