34-Bad feeling

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"I came as quick as I could!" I hear my moms voice, as she took a few deep breaths,

I explain everything to her,

"Why do you think Tweek didn't want his dad to find out?" She asks curiously,

"Honestly I have no idea, but I don't have a good feeling, we saw stans dad and we think he's told mr and Mrs tweak.." I sigh.

"Shit." I hear my mom mutter, as I follow her line of vision,

"I want to see my son now! How is he?!" I watch as tweeks dad is basically screaming at the nurse, he seems unstable to say the least..

"I'm sorry about him, he's just scared for our son, when can we see him?" I hear Mrs tweaks voice, she always seems a lot sweeter than he does,

"Thank you ma'am, 10 minutes, he's currently awake but the doctors just need to ask him a few questions."  She smiles as sweetly as she can,

I let out a breath of relief, at the confirmation Tweeks awake I wonder when I can see him..

"Laura, Craig long time no see" Mrs tweak approaches us as she smiles,

"Oh Helen I'm so happy Tweeks okay" mom smiles,

"All thanks to these two.. thank you so much Craig and Clyde I don't know what I would've done without you"

We both smile and continue small talk with Helen but I couldn't help but notice how pissed of Mr tweak looked, it was kind of scary,

He was stood in the corner of the room isolated from the rest of us, I'm not one to judge peoples coping mechanisms,

But this just seemed odd.

"Mr and Mrs tweak, Tweek is ready to be seen now." The nurse smiles as she leads them down a large hallway.

I have a bad feeling..

Tweeks pov

I stare at the white interior I'm surrounded by,

All I really want to do right now is speak to Craig, I'm getting more and more frustrated by the doctors asking me about drugs..

Trust me I'm just as surprised as they are to find out how much meth is in my system.

"Tweek you have visitors"  I hear a nurse speak,

Finally I smile at the thought of seeing Craig and clyde,

As quickly as my smile appeared it disappeared.


Mom and dad..

More importantly dad.

"Oh my Tweak I'm so happy you're okay" mom hugs me gently, Her voice bringing me a sense of safety,

"me too mom me too" I speak quietly as I watch dad carefully who's just death staring me.

"What happened Tweek? Who did this? Do you remember?" Mom asks looking panicked, not breathing between her words.

"Well uuhh" I was quickly interrupted by dads voice, has it always sounded that unwelcoming..

"Helen sweetie, give the poor boy a second to breath, would you like a coffee Tweek?" He speaks coldly,

"Umm no thanks" I speak,

"Oh yes that's right! Tweek you never say no to a coffee let me go see if I can get you one. I'll be right back!" Mom said as she began to walk of,

"No mom uhh really" too late she was already out the door.

Oh fuck.

Dad watched her disappear down the hallway before closing the door,

"Um I won't gah tell if you don't do anything ahh that will kill me aha" I nervously joke, terrified this time he'll actually succeed.

"How amusing." Dad closely speaks as he walks closer to the hospital bed,

I squirm attempting to get out, but because of all the wires and needles I couldn't..

I'm a lost cause.

"Why. Dad you don't need to do this.. it's the meth, old you wouldn't act like this.."

"Oh Tweek how naive. Meth made me a better version of myself" he spoke calmly, inching closer.

"Well I don't know about tha-" before I could finish my sentence I was cut off, by a large pillow in my face.

That fucker was trying to suffocate me.

Craig's Pov

"when can I visit Tweek?" I ask the nurse, feeling overwhelmed by this bad feeling,

"Once his parents are done" the nurse replied,

"Well cant I see him with the parents"

"No dear." The nurse coldly replied,

Fuck you then i think to myself.

Nah fuck it I Don't care I'm going to see him..

I carefully watch the receptionists and nurses nearby, as they all takes their eyes of the hallway I slip through,

I quickly walk down the hallway, looking through each rooms door,

Hmm only one of them had the door closed, I look through the very small gap,

And see my chullo sat gently on a chair in the corner.

Found you.

I open the door and am surprised to see a terrifying scene,

"What. The. Fuck." Tweaks dad looked at me, that same look in his eyes as my dad that night he tried to kill me.

My heart began to beat rapidly, as fear and anger consumed me,

Clearly caught of guard Tweaks dad let go of the pillow, allowing tweak to finally catch his breath.

I face tweak then his dad.

"Fine. As you won't fucking die Tweek he will."

Caught of guard and feeling slightly vulnerable, gave him the upper hand, As he grabbed my neck and held a scalpel to the side of it,

Where the fuck did he get that from?

Finally back to my senses I spoke "fuck you."

"For someone who's this close to dying you have a lot of nerve boy" he calmly spoke, which scared me a little I can't lie.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, let him go" I hear Tweak speak, sounding extremely pissed of,

"Why would I Tweek its fun to watch you suffer, and well killing him would make you suffer more than if you just died" he chuckled.


What the fuck is wrong with this guy,

I squirm slightly as I feel the scalpel now touching my neck.

"Ok I'm back, right where were we, now who did this Tweek?" I hear Helen speak, we all face her as she has her back to us..

As she turned around her face dropped, as well as the coffee she was holding.

"Richard what are you doing?" She asks in a shaky voice,

I feel his grip lessen and I take this as my chance, quickly I turn around and hit him hard enough for him to fall to the ground,

"Mom call the nurses and police.." I hear Tweek say, as I continue puckvhing him until he's out cold.

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now